Chapter 22

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A/N: The picture isn't mine and credit to the Owner of the picture GinzaHanna from Amino apps out to him/her/ them because he/she/ they made many great fanarts by digital drawing and  I aspire to have a great drawing art style for her or my best friend. Warning, this chapter will contain profanity, violence and gore.



(Y/N) POV:

"Pffft- hahaha!!! You are a really funny kid! I like you already!" Clockwork said as she pats back a little bit hard, making me stumble a little bit. I could feel my cheeks goes warm in embarrassment and my mind was clouded  'I guess I just lessened the air intensity with my remarks, oh well' I thought.


(Y/N) POV:

A little bit of smile almost tugging across my lips but I quickly hide it away before anyone notices it. However, I am aware that all of the killers in this mansion still haven't welcomed me yet because I hurt some of them. It wasn't my fault, I'm just defending myself from getting killed by them.  Still, I think I need to get their good side first, especially to those who I have injured in the past.

The yellow-haired demon with fox ears is glaring at me with so much resentment of me. I'm not sure with a blue mask killer but he keeps facing in my direction but one thing I'm sure that he is still angry with me with the thorns incident. I'm sure no one going to be my friend at this rate. I could only look down at the ground, finding the dark colour ceramic floor interesting. 'I'm fucked up big time, aren't I? Why I'm such a dumbass,' I silently curse myself for making some enemies in the mansion.

Before I could walk away, trying to find my brother in the crowd. Something child touching on my shoulder, the cold makes me shivers and I look up to see a pretty woman with black eyes, and a pretty dress, she's almost as tall as me but slightly taller than me. She smiles at me "Hey, you are (y/n) Aphelion, am I right?" she asks, to answer her question I just give her a simple nod and not knowing what to answer her questions. Her right-hand meets mine and frantically shaking my hand.

"Nice to meet you! I'm Judge angel but you can also call me Judge or Angel!"

"Nice to meet you too...... Judge Angel....." I look down,  nervous and shy around new people or a killer.

"I can show you around if you want," she says as she tugs my hand.

"Oh....sure" I follow her from behind.

So, near the living room on the left side is the kitchen while the right side of the living room is a library. If you go to the second and third floor are mostly everyone's bedroom but don't go to the room in the middle on the second floor. It's Slender's office room unless you want a suicide then go ahead. The basement is the lab where Eyeless jack, Nurse Ann and Doctor Smiley working, it's mostly a room for us when we are injured and needs to be treated," she explains to me.

"So....which bedroom I need to stay out of?" I ask.

" Well, I would say all of them since you are a newbie but I think you should stay out from Nurse Ann's room, Jeff's room because it reeks blood, and every boy's room because some of them are quite a pervert, especially Ben and dark link.....," she explains to me. Insert 'DisGusTanG' meme

"O-okay, thank you for telling me, Angel," I smile.

" Your welcome! Oh, and you can stay in my room since your room is not constructed yet," she offers to me. 

Dark magic (Creepypasta x Dark and blood bender! Female! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now