Chapter 30

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A/N: The picture is not mine, credit to the owner of the picture Endeenderman from Tumblr. This chapter will contain slight smut, violence, profanities, and other things that could trigger the reader. Please read this chapter with caution, don't say that I haven't warned you. Anyway, thank you for the two thousand reads. I hope you enjoy it!



Third Person POV:

"Let me introduce myself. I'm Rue....your worst nightmare," shadows slowly surrounding her.

The male blinked twice, not believing the sight in front of him, "heh....this could be fun," he smirked. The white-haired male took his daggers out from the belt. The demon girl cracked her jaw before snapping it open to show all of the darkness inside of her, a loud screech escaped from her mouth, alarming the whole residents inside of the mansion. 


Shadows slowly encircling the black-haired woman from the ground to the top of her head, acting as her protection from any harm. The whole resident inside of the mansion jumped in fright, hearing a demonic screech that could scare anyone who are near her. It was a frightening situation that no one comes out of their room, thinking it was Zalgo who were inside the mansion and had a fight with Slenderman. They didn't even know that Slenderman was inside of his room for the whole time, reading a thick book with hundreds of pages. 

Nick saw the formation, he was surprised because only a few of Slenderman's proxies could transform with a frightening transformation. Most of them only could transform into a normal version of themselves with a help of the necklace that Slenderman gave to them. 

The pale-skinned man blinked several times before his lips tugged upwards, showing another sardonic but amused smile as he crossed his arms. "So, what they said were true. You have a power like Zalgo and you could kill some of us, what a tyrant you are," Nick shrugged, making fun of (Y/N)

"I AM NOT A FUCKING TYRANT AND I DON'T HAVE THE SAME POWER AS ZALGO!" Rue growled, glaring at him with a glowing white eye. 

"Then explain the dark power, none of the proxies has a power of darkness even if we are a killer. So, what are you?" Nick continued to taunt (Y/N). 

It was right at that moment that (Y/N) inner demon stopped, unsure what he's going to do because he wasn't wrong but he wasn't right either. Looking at (Y/N) silence only made him smirked, finding it was amusing that the girl in front of him suddenly shutting her mouth off after he said those words. The girl closes her eyes before reopening them, "You're right. I have a different power unlike the rest of you but take my words. I may have a deadly weapon inside of me but I'm not the same as him. He took everything of me," Rue snarled, glaring at him with disdain.

His eyes stare at her deep with unblinking eyes, a little bit surprised before he left mocking laughter, "Funny, you think I care your some kind princess from the underworld? I give a zero fuck about that. You don't even worthy of my attention," Nick doubled in laughter as he hold his stomach. 

"and I don't care that you're used to be a test subject by someone you thought you can trust," Rue said, using his insecurity to attack him. 

Hearing her words, the white-haired male stopped his laugh before he looks up at her with revulsion and resentment painted on his face. Everyone told him that when she's on her red eyes, she was rather easily intimidated, shy, and a complete pushover. Rue was much more different, she was bold, sadistic, sly, and not afraid to play dirty to get what she wanted, especially riling her opponents like a current situation. 

Dark magic (Creepypasta x Dark and blood bender! Female! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now