Chapter 45 (Part 2)

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A/N: The picture is not mine and is credited to the owner of the picture. If you have watched Jujutsu Kaisen, I think you will know where this is going. Before continuing reading, In This chapter will contain violence, cannibalism, gore, horror, and other triggering stuff that could make you squeamish. Please read this chapter with caution or skip a few chapters because some chapters are very disgusting. Also, I would like to thank everyone for the eight thousand readers and all of the votes. Thank you, for reading the short A/N. 



First-Person Point of View:

'I'll prepare those ear protection and mask for you later and I will fix that sword. Your last mask and sword that I let you borrow kind of melted off because of that asshole, Belphy. Also because your reckless as fuck' Kraehe mutters, rolling both of her eyes at me.

'Fuck you too, Kraehe...'


    The day has passed by and everyone is already waiting inside the living room, including myself and Kraehe. The two of us are waiting together as we are sitting on the couch, waiting for Slenderman to be done with his preparations. I'm not sure what he decides to bring but I'm sure it's the spell book to take down Asmeoudus. He might be not a fighter but his gas could give you a hallucination and you could accidentally hurt other proxies when you are trying to fight the demon itself.

Kraehe has been silent lately, I'm not sure why because she usually comments unnecessary stuff that sometimes I have to shut her mouth when she said something offensive about other proxies or something else. Today she surprisingly has not said anything at all, she was rather calm. Nevertheless, she helped fix the armour once again after it got dented several times yesterday. She must have been annoyed that she needs to keep fixing the armour repeatedly.

I did not expect that someone was targeting us, especially Kraehe. I still can remember what she looks like, she has long platinum blonde hair that reaches her waist, a pale ivory skin tone like a sick person, a whip with sharp hooks at the end of it, and a height almost the same as Slenderman's. I am also still not over after that battle against that demon that has a body of a bee.

Belphegor really must have tried to hurt Nurse Ann. The foolish nurse charged him without any plan to counter back in case he is going to end her life right there. Sometimes, it makes me wonder about her age, not only did our first time our meeting gave me a bad impression of her but the style when she was swinging her chainsaw had no other technique. She was just swinging it randomly, very impatient to cut whoever was in front of her.

The battle of yesterday also paid the cause, she is currently still resting inside the medical room together with the other killers inside this mansion. The injury on her calves was pretty big, not as bad as the rest proxies who was resting there but seeing them makes me a bit nauseous. To make her feel at least better, I made a simple scramble egg as well as toast and sausages on the side for her breakfast before she woke up and placed the plate on the nightstand in case she is getting hungry.

Slenderman out of nowhere already standing in front of us with a box in his hand, "Everyone, I would like you to take these lenses. These lenses would be very beneficial for every one of you. I have put a spell in each inside of these lenses so Asmeoudus hypnotization will not work on you," he opens the box and gives everyone the soft lens case either with his hands or his tendrils.

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