Chapter 3

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A/N: Hello my fellow reader, follower, and friends. Sorry for not updating in such long time. Please forgive me, i hope you like this story.



She nods as she stood up and hugged me. I was surprised when she hugged me. Nevertheless, I had her back as my arms wrapped around her tiny waist and my other hand pat her back gently. I remember that both of us close as we often hug, fight, steal each other toy's, playing a game together, eat snacks together while watching marvel and Disney. I miss her...we haven't met for a long time after that war.

I let her go as I see the smile painted across her face and she thanked me. This feeling, I miss It so much. I could feel my throat getting tighter slightly. Finally, my little sister back in my arms just hopes she can regain her memories so we can joke about our past. I watched her slowly disappeared into the darkness as she went back to her bedroom. My mouth moves on its own as I can hear myself say these words "I will protect matter what."


(Y/N) POV:

Standing there looking at my reflection in the mirror. I give a tiny smile at my own reflection while I'm wearing a high waist culottes pants with black and white stripes, a halter white top with floral red rose pattern, a short black peep toe heels, black scarf and a grey handbag with scrunchie on my ponytail to top of my casual styles. It's simple but cute and it would be good for hang out in cafe, cinema or amusement park. I did not forget to put light make-up since i want to look a little bit cuter. I know I'm sounded very feminine but some people just want to look cute, okay? Don't judge me. Girls gotta look cute for themselves to be happy and confident.

"(Y/N)! Are you ready yet??" Cole called me from the kitchen.

"Just a second!" I shout back as I put perfume on me with a mix of citrus and orange to give a slight groove style to me.

I move to the living room after spraying some perfume on me. Not gonna lie but I prefer a fresh or soft smell. Sweet smell or very girly smell isn't my real cup of tea since my nose is more sensitive than other people. Sharp scents can make me dizzy, that's why I only use a few perfumes that Cole gave me. I'm not sure why Cole bought me six bottles of perfumes even if I only like the two of them. The other perfumes gave me slight nausea, especially the one with a rose scent and the one with a mixture of cinnamon and honey.











There was a loud beeping sound after he presses the on/off button from his car key. He wears a plain flannel red shirt, baggy jeans and a black t-shirt with a star sign underneath it and white sneakers. He looks at me and smiles "Here, use my card to buy anything you want after hanging out with our best friend." I look up at the card he has given to me and takes it as I put it inside my purse. Opening the door, I sit next to him and he's starting the car and drove away to the nearest mall. During our road trip, I swear that I see that same tall faceless man from far away.

'Who is that guy? Why is he so creepy? Especially his non-existent face.' I thought and I feel some people looking at me. Now, I'm okay if it's someone normal who only looked at me for a second and then looked away but what I meant is something more sinister. I saw one of the guys, he has long jet black hair with blue eyes but he gives a horrifying glare as he gives a creepy grin like a Cheshire cat. I also read his mouth as he said 'Go to sleep'. I could feel a shiver crawling on my neck as I quickly look away, not telling what just happened to my brother.

I don't feel safe anymore, I think someone is targeting me and Cole and I want to tell him that badly but I don't think he will believe what I said So I shut my mouth during my thirty minutes road trip to the mall. After the long trip, we reach the mall. It's not a small place but it's not also a big one either, it's just between since it has three floors. The first floor has many cafes, makeup stores and book stores. It's heaven for me since I want to buy a lot of snacks and novel books. You heard that right, I love books after Cole gave me two Harry Potter books and three Percy Jackson books.

"After meeting with a friend, Can I buy more books? But it's Enid Blyton books, "I ask him for the confirmation.

"Sure, don't spend too much on it. You only can buy three books because the rest would be for your stationery and clothing needs," he explains to me.

"Alright, thank you, Cole," I smile at him.

Both of us goes to the nearest restaurant as it has an Indoor Garden theme on it with many plants in it. The name of the restaurant is 'Green Area' as it held many beautiful flowers too such as roses, orchids, jasmine and sunflowers as the restaurant serves Western and Asian cuisine. We sit near the window and he tells me to wait for two people named Jessica and Jay. Frankly, I'm curious about what they look like. From what Cole inform me, they seem to be a fun person to be around.

Suddenly, we hear some people coming towards us. I looked up to see three guys and one girl coming towards us as my brother stood up to greet the guy with brown hair and brown droopy eyes with a long dark brown-haired woman. He asked the brown hair guy about his friend who has short black hair with sideburn and a guy with messy light brown hair.

"Hey, Jay! Hey Jessica! Who are they?" Cole asked.

"Of they? The guy with sideburn is Tim and the guy with messy light brown hair is Brian,"

"Oh? Nice to meet both of you guys. Sit with us," Cole smiled.

The guys and Jessica joined us as Jessica and Tim sit next to me while Brian and Jay sat next to Cole. However, I feel a bad vibe around Tim and Brian as I sense that I shouldn't mess with these two guys. Even though they are showing their goofy sides in front of Cole, I don't trust them. Jay gave me okay vibes and Jessica gave me a good vibe.

"So, what's your name?" Jessica asked.

"My name is (Y/N) but you can call me (N/M)," I smiled.

"(Y/N) huh? Pretty cute name If I must say," Tim smirked at me.

"Yeah," Brian agreed, which made my ears go red and my cheeks felt warm.

"Tim! Brian! Don't embarrass her! Sorry about that, my name is Jessica. It's nice to meet you."

"Nice To Meet you too, Jessica" I smile.

~ Cliffhanger ~


Thank you for reading, I hope you like it.




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