Chapter 16

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A/N: Hello my fellow friends, followers and readers. Sorry for the long update and I hope you like this chapter. I'm sorry for the cover picture. I'm just too lazy to give bloody painter or other cps background and if you are squeamish with curse and gore. Please read this chapter with caution.



(Y/N) POV:

The screen suddenly changed back after I look at my injured hand. It was kinda deep if I scan my hands again but it was not deep enough where you need stitches. Although, I probably need a thick bandages to cover the back of my hand and wrist. "Y-You're hand bleeding...I'll bring you to the medic bay if you want," Natalie whispers to me. I look up to her and nods. At least Natalie is willing to help me. She stands up "Ma'am. May I bring (Y/N) to medic bay? her hands is injured.." Mrs. Olivia looked at us and nods. She held my non-injured hands and lead me to the medic bay.


(Y/N) POV:

Natalie's hands were kinda rough, I wonder why is her hand is so rough and it's slightly cold like a a corpse. In my opinion, even someone has cold hand, at least it's not as cold as corpse hand. My mind began wondering about the girl in front of me, thinking I shouldn't trust the girl at all. "Hey (Y/N), what do you think of me?" She asks. I stop from my own day dreaming and answer her question "I're a friend, I guess? I mean, this is the first time we meet..." I don't really care with my own words, I'm just stating my opinion.

She stops for a moment and looks at me, her frowns turns into a smile. It was clear that her smile was fake, her smile doesn't reach her eyes nor her eyes wrinkled when she smiles. A genuine smiles usually has a wrinkle on the corner of the eye lid or the smile reach the eyes. "Thank you! You are a great friend, just like Jane!" That was a lie and I knew it but I smile back and nods, just trying to be polite with her "Thank you...." I look down, averting my eyes.

"We're here! I'll open the door for you!" She opens the door.

"Thank you, Natalie," I step inside.

There was an mahogany chair on the corner, near the tables with cabinets of medicines inside of it. Natalie looks up to me "If you need anything, just ask me in the computer lab. I'll be leaving, I don't want to miss some important notes and I'll give you my notes." She closes the door, leaving me alone in the medic bay. Several minutes later, I heard some footsteps and I saw a doctor. He seems intimidating even though he gives a friendly smiles. Somehow, I couldn't trust this guy. "Ms. (Y/N)? I hear that your hand was injured. May I see?" He asks.

I show my injured hands, his gaze moves from me to my injured hands "Oh God, the wound seems really deep. I have the thing to ease your pain," he pulls out something from the cabinet and a syringe? Why he is holding a syringe? " Just stay, I'll Inject the painkiller so I can stitch your injured hands. It seems that the wound is really deep and need some stitches. Just relax." It's not that I'm scared of syringe or sharp tools but rather because I couldn't trust him. He gives some kind of creepy aura. None of the less, I just let him to inject me.


Why everything is so blurry


Why everything is so blurry

Dark magic (Creepypasta x Dark and blood bender! Female! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now