Chapter 46

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A/N: The picture is not mine and is credited to the owner of the picture. If you have watched Jujutsu Kaisen, I think you will know where this is going. Before continuing reading, In This chapter will contain violence, cannibalism, gore, horror, and other triggering stuff that could make you squeamish. Please read this chapter with caution or skip a few chapters because some chapters are very disgusting. Also, I would like to thank everyone for the one thousand readers and all of their hearts. Thank you, for reading the short A/N.



First-Person Point of View

Sweats pour down from my head as I see the demon's head roll closer to me. Even though I always see this sight, it's still disgusting for me to see a head without a body but I know I had to do this before taking one of the eyes of that creature and closing my eyes, preparing myself for the next action that I always do after taking down the eyes from five princes of hell.


Sitting in the dimly lit dining room, everyone's eyes pay attention to Slenderman as he shows the picture of the last prince of hell that we are going to face later on the next day. I haven't taken a bath because I went straight to the kitchen and made myself a quick scramble egg along with the fried bacon on the pan and some roasted tomatoes to fill my growling stomach. The horrible taste was still there despite trying to wash my mouth with scrambled eggs and a glass of water.

Slenderman was standing there in the middle with the book open, showing us who is our next rival that we are going to face soon on tomorrow. "Lucifer's power is not to be underestimated, as he embodies the embodiment of Chaos just like Zalgo, Lucifer wields an unparalleled understanding of the arcane, a knowledge of forbidden arts and magics that grants him dominion over dark forces. He is more powerful than his brothers If you want to know. He doesn't only have the power to summon fire just like Satannah. He could deceit you, poison you just like Envy, and others," Slenderman explains.

Slenderman Continued, "Lucifer wields a power that harkens back to his celestial origins. One of his most awe-inspiring abilities is the capacity to summon dangerous bursts of light. These aren't ordinary rays; they are intense beams of divine radiance that hold the potential to evaporate anything in their path. Lucifer also possesses the gift of shapeshifting, a skill that adds an extra layer of complexity to his character. He can alter his form at will, taking on various appearances to deceive, intimidate, or manipulate anyone to make himself look like an angel."

Everyone would take a glance with the others as we're quite surprised that Lucifer is much more difficult to be taken down and I admit that Asmodeus along with Belphegor wasn't really much trouble unlike Leviathan and Satannah was quite difficult.
"Do you have any experience battling with him? Is there any way to kill the demon?" I ask her.
"Yes, but I escaped. and sadly. I don't have any kind of strategy to beat him. He is much worse than the rest. The man itself he's a giant dragon and he is my most challenging rival," Kraehe sighs.

"I must warn every one of you, especially you (Y/N). Before his fall, he was considered one of the greatest and most powerful combatants among the celestial ranks, rivalled only by Michael, the archangel. The two were often seen as equals, each possessing unique strengths and talents that set them apart, even in the realm of angels," Slenderman flip the page to show me what kind of abilities he had.

Dark magic (Creepypasta x Dark and blood bender! Female! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now