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A/N: This is my first time story of writting Creepypasta fanfiction. Please don't hate on me 🥺🥺🥺



As long as I can remember. I don't know if I have a parents or not because before I was brought into the hospital. I saw there are two blurry figures as one of them sobs and the other spoke to me that they are very sorry. If I must guess, those two probably my mother and my father.

In the corner of my eyes, i saw a black figure who was standing near my mom and dad. He mouthed something that I don't understand, all I heard were murmur from him but after i heard those murmur from the tall, black, blurry figure.....I blacked out. This memories always haunted me wherever I go. It made me curious...who am I? Why i don't remember my past at all?

As I opened my eyes. I saw a lot of people with coats as they wore stethoscope and some of them wore masker to cover half of their faces. They gave me a creep slightly as one of them came with a notepad on his hand while he wrote down something.

Third POV:

"Are you (Y/N) (L/N)?"The tall figure

"I Think so," I replied.

"Do you remember anything? Do you have any relatives?" The doctor asked.

"No," you shook your head.

"Figured. There is someone who wants to see you," he mentioned.

"O-okay," you wonder who.

A man who have the same color as you came up and smiled gently at your petite form. This man gave you a comforting aura somehow as he got closer to you and stroke your head gently with his calousal hand.

"Hey, do you remember anything?"

"Not really. Just a blurry figure," you felt unsure.

"It's alright. I will take care of you after you left the hospital. You might not remember who am I but will remember e
who am I."

"Okay....thank you, uhhhhh."

"My name is Cole," You felt suspicious. Why he didn't tell his last name? Oh well.

"Okay......Cole," you smiled.

Cole POV:

I'm so sorry (Y/N). I know i didn't tell my last name but I didn't want you to be freak out or make you more confused. I will just leave my last name and take care of you after the incident. If you remember, I bet you would be traumatized for what happened. I just want you to be happy .

For now, I'm just gonna take care of you until you can remember everything happened in the past. It's painful to see the people that you really close doesn't know who you are and laying in the bed right in front of you. If i'm in some kind of would hear my shattered heart right now as I keep stroke her head gently as if she's made from a porcelaine.

I know. She isn't some kind of a weak girl especially she is my kind too but with this condition. I guarantee she would break if I'm not here and protecting her from the harsh world. Those shadows can kidnap her anytime If i'm not in here, standing and watching her with sadness painted across my face.

Her eye color just the same with mom while her hair just like dad's hair color. Oh how much I miss them. They were killed in the brutal war as I remember the evil laughter and his blazing eyes as he was watching both of us while the shadow fighting with mother and father. They both were killed as we escaped while i was holding (Y/N) in my arms.

Luckily, we can blend to human because we looked like them expect when we are angry.

(Y/N) POV:

Cole is smilling right now but I could tell that his smile isn't a happy go lucky smile. Instead, it is a 'try to hide the pain' kind of smile. I wonder why he gave me that smile as he keep petting my head gently. I felt that...i knew him. However, i don't remember anything at all....just my name that I only can remember.

"What's wrong.....uhmm cole?"

"Nothing...just go to sleep. Tomorrow, i will bring you to our new home."

"Our? are you some kind of my lover?"

"No. You don't need to know right now because I don't want you to be stressed. You will remember who am I later. Just ne patience," he gave a toothy smile.

"Alright....if you say so."

I yawned and goes back to sleep as th dream begin painting on my mind. I don't know why but this Cole dude made me comfortable and he treated me as if he is my dad or brother.

Third Person POV:

As she was sleeping, he kissed her temple gently and left the room to pay the hospital fee. Since he's from noble's son and with his high paid job as a lawyer, he was able to paid everything she needs in the hospital. He couldn't stand to see his little troublemaker forgot who he is.

If wishes can be granted immediately, he would wish two things. (Y/N) remember who he is and His kind's safety since the war still going on. The war was so big that he thought none of his kind survived from the rigid war.


Thank you for reading. I hope you like this story.




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