Chapter 40

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A/N: The picture is not mine and is credited to the owner of the picture. If you have watched Jujutsu Kaisen, I think you will know where this is going. Before continuing reading, In This chapter will contain violence, cannibalism, gore, horror, and other triggering stuff that could make you squeamish. Please read this chapter with caution or skip a few chapters because some chapters are very disgusting. Thank you, for reading the short A/N.

Warning: Profanity, Cannibalism, Gore, Mention of injury, Cringy jokes, Mention of rotten food and violence



Third Person POV:

"Manipulative as in offering with what you want in exchange you will be his slave or doing something for him," The (H/C) haired girl raises her head with a little bit of redness on her forehead.

"I see, thank you for the information, my child. In this case, I will give you all a spell of anti-hypnotic. All of you may leave and once I call your names, you will have your weapon back," he struts up to the door, pushing the door open and letting everyone leaves the room


The light shines through the reflection of the metallic weapon with the colour red giving a little menacing yet beautiful glint on it. A pair of red eyes could be seen from the reflection along with the white ones on the girl's side. 'Beautiful' (Y/N mutters, twirling the stuff around carefully so it wouldn't slice anything inside of her room and putting the scythe down carefully. A scoff of arrogance could be heard by the red eye killer, 'Well, I made it of course it would be as beautiful as me,' Rue crosses her arms with the tip of her lips curved upwards.

(Y/N) who heard Rue's words could only just roll her eyes and sigh at her. Even though not all demon is cocky, she was aware these creatures can be arrogant to the point that it can sometimes be a little bit annoying. This just makes (Y/N) massage the bridge of her nose upon Rue's words who immediately got irked by the girl's sass, 'What?!' she out-sassed (Y/N) who just ignored the creature.

'Anyway, what did Slenderman do to the scythe?" (Y/N) asks Rue.

"Double damage so it can dent stuff that as hard as metal, speed so it would swing faster and that's why it's less heavy than before, and I think it gives more curse power to those who got sliced on it. Do you know if someone other than you got closed by this scythe couldn't heal unless the one who held it allows them to heal?" Rue told her the secret of the Scythe, making (Y/N) surprised.

"No, I didn't know. You made epic weapons " (Y/N) said before she glances at the weapon again.

"Do not mention it," Rue winks before she looks at the ceiling of the room.

"Anyway, I need to know about this ex of yours. The ruler of Greed, do you know what is his weakness?" (Y/N) asks.

"Well, he's not fast like Leviathan and his only protection is the Golden armour on him. That's why you had to dent and broke all of his weapons and armour. He is strong but not as strong as Sathanah or Lucifer but never tries to fight him in close distance fighting because he's quite good at martial arts," Rue shrugs.

"and why did you date him? It's not because he's hot isn't it?" (Y/N) raises her eyebrows at the raven demon.

"Nah, Greed doesn't have Asmeodus power to make themselves look hot and fuckable. I guess I like getting spoiled," Rue nonchalantly shrugs.

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