Chapter 35

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A/N: The picture is not mine and credited to the owner of the picture Artem Bazdyrev in Artstation. If you have watched Jujutsu Kaisen, I think you will know where this is going. Before continuing reading, In This chapter will contain violence, cannibalism, gore, horror, Christianity mentions and other triggering stuff that could make you squeamish. Please read this chapter with caution or skip a few chapters because some chapters are very disgusting. Thank you, for reading the short A/N.



(Y/N) POV:

"This is a dangerous mission but I will help you in your every step. I will send you to the closest place where you can get the demon eyes easier. Look at this map, you are going to go in this place and bring this map," he said before pointing to our first destination. The place itself has lots of fires surrounding them with lava around them. "You are going to go Satan's dimension....demon of Wrath," he gives me a picture of a tall demon with reddish skin, red eyes, horns, and a sharp long nail.


A book lay in front of me, Slenderman and Cole, several pictures printed on them with some unknown mysterious words written on there, describing the map of the hell, the portal, and the description of the owner of 'Eyes of Wrath' by Sathanas who has a forked tongue, a horn-like a goat, red-faced, red eyes, claws like a lion grip, and a tall lanky body that shows the creature's ribcage.

I tilt my head to the side, not aware of all the creatures or monsters in my world me even though I was born in the underworld where there are thousands of monsters. Glancing up to Slenderman, I ask Slenderman "Is this the creature that lures humans to hate each other and start a war?" I ask Slenderman, he didn't reply to me right away but his simple 'mhm' already confirmed to me that this demon was the one that likes to start a war.

"What is his or uh...her or their name, Slenderman?" Cole sits next to me once he was calmed down.

"Human or monsters calls them Sathanah or Satan. He was the one who made 'Cain' kill his own brother," Slenderman opened the next page, showing some kind of strange words.

"Sorry sir but I don't really understand these strange words," I told him sheepishly, scratching the back of my head.

It sounds strange but yes, I know the story about Cain and Able, two brothers with one of them filled with jealousy before the brother got angry at his little brother and killed him by smashing his brother's head with a rock. I admit humans are horrible creatures, wondering why even 'God' saves these puny creatures from 'their sin' by crucifixion himself even after all the murdering they did to him.

Slenderman looks up at me "It's alright (Y/N). Since I am here, I am willing to translate this book for you and explain what you should do," He sips the teas as he reassures us whilst his sharp yet thin fingers pointing at the pictures and the words of it. "As you can see, There are Wrath, Gluttony, Greed, Envy, Sloth, Pride and Lust which includes seven demons controlling seven realms. Sathanah controls Wrath, Belphegor controls Gluttony, Mammon controls Greed, Beelzebub controls Envy, Abadon controls Sloth, Lucifer controls Pride and the last one Asmeodeous controls Lust. Of course, there are many greater demons but each of them had the greatest power. Those why your dark side wants you to kill all of them but it won't be an easy task because no one was able to overthrow them away and take their powers, even Zalgo too. However, they have their own weaknesses but sadly I don't know what can weaken them and there is no book about it because the author of this book was killed by one of them," Slenderman taught us.

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