Chapter 48

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A/N: I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT THIS BOOK IS GOING TO BE FINISHED! Finally, I can focus on my other books along with the dissertation. Anyway, This book contains NSFW, Cannibalism, Biting, Gore, Blood, Profanities, Violence, Mention of Sickness and illness, and other stuff that could trigger the viewers. Also, thank you everyone for the ten thousand readers and for the two hundred votes!
P.s. The picture is not mine and credited to the owner of the create BlazeHart96(Deviantart) with Title 'ZALGO'


Third-Person Point of View:

However, his tone quickly shifted to one of caution, and if he had eyebrows, they would be furrowed together and raised a little bit to show his concern. "But let us not be complacent. We may have faced seven demons on our trip, but Lord Zalgo is a formidable enemy that we cannot take easy on. He is going to come at us at any moment, and who knows what kind of strategy he has to unleash upon us next?" His words hung in the air, a chilling reminder that the fight was going to start, and this was the beginning.


The king of the underworld rose from his throne, his towering figure casting a menacing shadow across the hall of the castle. His red, crimson, and brooding eyes blazed with anger as they shifted around the room as he surveyed his loyal guards. All of the shadowy figures were trembling underneath his gaze once his eyes were staring into their souls; it was as if his eyes were trying to rip their souls out, their armour clinking softly in the silence."Summon my most trusted spies to the hallway, quickly!"Or I will send you all to the basement!" he ordered.

The guards were well aware that if they didn't follow his order immediately, they were going to have the same fate as Loviathar, who was facing eternal torture for failing to take down Slenderman and his proxies. In an instant, those smaller creatures nodded in silent obedience and hurried off with the clanking sounds of their metallic boots. All of them go up the staircase, with heavy footsteps echoing through the dimly lit corridor. Upon reaching the top, they turned left, following a narrow passage that seemed to get through only four people or two medium-sized monsters.

They continued forward until they reached a dark mahogany wooden door. The door was much smaller than the door of the hall room from the castle, and it had bars on the centre part of the door. To their dismay, the door was firmly locked, leaving them to look around with anxiety rising inside of them."You should knock on the door," the guard on the left said to his friend who was standing next to him.
"I don't want to; he would definitely pull that annoying trick." The guard on the right shook his head no.
"Fine, I will do it then." The one on the right rolls his eyes.

One of the guards, his hand trembling slightly, raised his armoured fist and gave a nervous knock on the door. "Is there anyone inside?" he called out, his voice tinged with unease. The only response that greeted them was a heavy silence that seemed to hang in the air, and the guard was a little bit unsure if there was someone inside or if the person inside the room was gone somewhere else. The two of them exchanged anxious glances, uncertain if there was someone in the room or if the person had gone.

The guard who had knocked decides to do the same thing once again by knocking with his fist on the door, more insistently this time. And then, as if by some unnatural force, the lock of the door clicked out of nowhere, and the door slowly began to creak open, revealing a darkness that seemed to swallow the whole room. Trying to be brave, the shadow creature cautiously stepped into the room, their weapons drawn and their senses on high alert. Glancing around the room and trying to look out at this certain demonic figure, I wondered if he was really inside or not.

Dark magic (Creepypasta x Dark and blood bender! Female! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now