Chapter 38

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A/N: The picture is not mine and is credited to the owner of the picture. If you have watched Jujutsu Kaisen, I think you will know where this is going. Before continuing reading, In This chapter will contain violence, cannibalism, gore, horror, and other triggering stuff that could make you squeamish. Please read this chapter with caution or skip a few chapters because some chapters are very disgusting. Thank you, for reading the short A/N.

Warning: Profanity, Cannibalism, Gore, Mention of injury, Cringy jokes, Mention of rotten food and violence



Third Person POV:

'...I'm sure we can kick that ugly ass bee look-alike together,' it doesn't seem like it but Rue sense that the girl feels a little bit worried as her heart clenches a bit, seeing (Y/N) worried but trying to act tough and fearless but she knows (Y/N) better than that. 


The air around the mansion was even more chilly than yesterday as the wind blew against the dying leaves, making them fly around the sky and the sun has not risen yet. A pair of red eyes staring at the girl in front of her, she was wearing a long-sleeve red and white t-shirt with a black fleece jacket as the outer of her outfit, she was also wearing a black jacket with a grey beanie on top of her head since outside was chilly.

A snicker could be heard but it wasn't outside of the door nor inside of her room rather it was inside of her mind, the familiar voice of one of the most annoying enchantresses. 'You look like an old hag, just need knitting needles and you can make a sweater for your crush~' Rue smirks as an imaginary demon tail on her back swishing left and right. Biting her own lips, the air inhaled through her nose before she lets it out from her mouth as both of her eyes closed.

'Rue, if you don't shut the fuck up. I will personally kick your ass and make you out from my body,' (Y/N) clicked her tongue at the master of the darkness.

'Tch, your no fun. Always so serious and stuck-up mud,' Rue rolls her eyes.

'I don't care, Rue. Just leave me alone," (Y/N) takes another deep breath, massaging the bridge of her nose.

Shaking her head, she takes the bag before pulling the zipper on the left side to put everything she needs for another journal and not forgetting the books that she brought in the last fight with Sathanah to help her with the fight for later at the real of gluttony's hell. She did not forget to put the same medicine, herbs and potions that Slenderman gave to her to help in case one of the proxies injured themselves in the fight or in the way.

She puts the straps on her shoulder, pulling it closer and grabbing the handle of the door before turning the knob of the door over, pushing the door away to see her older brother already standing in front of her. The girl did not speak or look him in the eyes, she still feels guilty for picking a fight together with her brother at the medic bay but the pride was too strong for her to say sorry as she direct her eyes away.

The older sibling could sense that the girl in front of him was still hesitant because of the sudden eye divert trying not to look at him in the eyes. Before she could step away, the tall curly black haired male gently grip one of her arms but still tight enough for him to stop her from escaping.

The hand that was holding one of her hand were warm yet has a little bit of coldness on it, she was a little bit surprised that the older male tried to stop her, she expect that her older brother just gonna let her be. The saliva in his throat builds up before he decides to swallow it and throws his pride away as his eyes glance away too, finding it hard to look at (Y/N) directly in her eyes.

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