~❤️Valentine Special ❤️~

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A/N: The Picture is not mine, credit to the owner FikaM05 from DeviantArt. The picture is so funny that I had to add this for this valentine special. This chapter would also be filled with Romance and comedies ( when the author isn't funny but try to be funny-) and this special chapter would contain profanity, Enjoy the chapter. Also, this chapter was requested by AngeloveDaa and she requested two special chapters.


Third Person POV:

There was no many proxies or creepypastas in the mansion, some of them were going outside either killing spree or doing their own thing. It was all peaceful and silent in the mansion, only a few small sounds that wouldn't even wake anyone from their slumber until there were multiple crashing sounds from the kitchen. It was from Jeff and Jane, the kitchen was filled with their horrid shouts and objects were thrown around, included knives, cleavers, or a pan thrown around by the two of them.


"HOW THE FUCK I SUPPOSE TO KNOW HOW TO MAKE CHOCOLATE, BARBIE!" Jeff shouted back, annoyed with Jane's bossy attitude.

"MAYBE YOU SHOULD HAVE TO LISTEN TO ME FROM THE START! Are your ears made out of rat hooks?!" She hissed.

"MY EARS NOT A RAT HOOK, YOU DIMWIT!" Jeff shoved her away.

Before she could throw another pan to his face, a hand immediately stopped the flying pan before it hit Jeff's face. Even he can't see completely, he was pretty aware that Jane and Jeff were fighting and Jane threw a large pan. It wasn't because he felt bad for Jeff if he got hit on the face but rather because he doesn't want Slenderman to wake up and then tell everyone to clean the whole mansion even if it was Jane and Jeff's fault. "Okay, what is going on?" Eyeless Jack asked Jane and Jeff.

"Uhh, I asked Jane to teach me how to melt chocolate and recreate the chocolate. Jane agreed but she was being a bitch for the whole time," Jeff told him, lied a little bit.

"What! Hell no, he was being a dumbass because he messed up a lot even though I told him several times. I told him don't add water because the chocolate would be lumpy and guess what? He cuts the chocolate too big and made it uneven, and then used a high heat. Of course, the chocolate would be burnt! He didn't listen at all and look at the chocolate he tried to make!" Jane complained.

Eyeless jack raised one of his eyebrows and looks at the chocolate inside the red bowl, she was right. He couldn't even describe the thing inside the bowl, it just looks like a lump of charcoal surrounded with brown liquid and a nasty smell. 'Is this supposed to be chocolate, why the smell like burnt dog food?' he thought. He only sighs a little bit a looks at Jeff "She's right, it doesn't have an appetizing smell at all but I do have a question. Jeff, you never cook and you never ask Jane's help especially you always fought with her...So, why do you ask Jane's help to make chocolate?" He asked, genuinely curious.

"Uhh, because I want?" Jeff answered with a tint of unsure in his voice.

"Because tomorrow is valentine," Jane answered Jack's question as she yawned.

"Tomorrow....is valentine?" Jack asked.

"Yep, and since Jeff knew I'm going to make a chocolate for (Y/N), Jeff asked me, well he doesn't really ask but he forced me to help him or he's going to hide all of my knives,"

He realized one thing because tomorrow is valentine day...there will be many creepypastas going to give something to their crush, and that is (Y/N) Aphelion 'Shit, many of us have a crush on her. I should do something,' he thought silently. Even some of the female creepypastas are lesbian for (Y/N). Jack gave a fake cough "Alright, Jeff... I think you should listen to Jane's explanation and I need to go. See you at night," he said as he walked to the living room, leaving the mansion to get something for her. 

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