Halloween special

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A/N: I am very ashamed and I apologize that I publish this chapter when it's not Halloween. This chapter was requested by a certain reader named AngeloveDaa. This picture isn't mine, it was created by CamyWilliams9 in Deviantart. I was really busy because of college, part-time, and then because the doctor diagnosed me had gout and high cholesterol so I need to fix my lifestyle if I want to stay healthy. Anyway, this chapter will contain profanity, gore, violence, and other triggering stuff. Anyway, I'm sorry if you have the same name as the characters, it's just a coincidence.


October, a day where every human celebrates the day of Halloween by wearing a scary or a sexy costume with caked face, a day where it would also be perfect for monsters and killers leaving their comfort zone, scaring and killing people with many people would think the corpses of someone just a piece of decorations. Because today is Halloween, the rest of the killers inside of the mansion could get out freely without Slenderman giving them a good scolding.

Among the darkness of the city, where people are not aware of their surroundings and creatures lurking inside of the dark, stalking their prey, and red eyes inside of the alleys. It wasn't only red eyes but also other coloured glowing eyes like white, yellow, blue, and green.

Several Teens laughing together, slapping their friend's back after they heard those cheesy but humorous jokes even though it's going to be told thousands of times, "That's so cheesy but hella funny, especially the part of your little sister butt stuck in the toilet and crying while looking at you," the guy wiped his tears away, trying to calm his laughter. The other guy chuckles, "I know right, that's why I recorded it," he snickers, enjoying the humiliation of his little sister after being an idiot.

"Man, if you have another funny story, tell us next time," the guy with red beenie said.

"Of course, anyway. What are you looking Mandy?" the guy with the Superman costume asked the smaller female beside him.

"Wanna check out that abandoned house? I heard it's haunted, I wanna check if it's true or not," she said.

"Sure, let's check the room guys. Maybe if there's some kind of treasures, we could steal it," the guy winked at the rest of his friends, earning several 'yes' and 'sure'.

The rest of the gang agreed with him except the girl who is wearing a Black Canary costume, she always watches horror movies so going inside to an abandoned house isn't a smart idea when people hang out during night Halloween, "I don't think it's a good idea, guys," she tried to stop them but the guy with superman costume groaned, "Don't be a wuss, Kathy. We are just going to look around and if there's nothing, we are going to leave," he said before grabbing Kathy's wrist and dragging her along.

The abandoned house has lots of broken woods and rusted metals, with a sign of ' DO NOT TRESPASS' but they only treat it as if was a joke or a rule that is meant to be broken. "Guys, please don't go inside! I think this place is going to be dangerous!" The girl tried to stop them but it was too late for her since they didn't want to listen to her warning, She just gave up and let anything happens as she was thinking about the escape plan

Inside of the house, there were many shattered glasses, dirt, broken furniture or toys, and walls with brown stains on them like a coffee stain. It looks like a normal abandoned house but none of them knew there were many eyes already looking at them, hiding in the dark and waiting for them to fall into their trap.

The guy with Red Beenie tried to open the door but it was locked and the keyhole has full of rust, there was no door handle, so it would be quite hard to get inside of the house and invade the house but it wasn't impossible for them. Ushing his shoulder, he continued using the stronger part of his body and crash against the door, cracking the wooden door until the door opens widely, giving the rest of the group a way to get inside without needing keys.

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