Chapter 21

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A/N: The picture isn't mine. Credit to the owner, Yellownana from Deviantart. In this chapter, you will meet everyone included Nurse Ann and Judge Angel (in case if you simp with both of them). This chapter will contain gore, violence, profanities, and some scenes that might be triggering for some of the readers. I'm sorry if this chapter would be triggering for some readers and please read this chapter with caution. Enjoy.



 I couldn't help but smile and hug him back "I'm sorry too.....I promise I won't do that anymore" I promise. He was smiling at me until he looks at the faceless man. "You....I remember you, you helped both of us when we were young....thank you so much for helping us."






(Y/N) POV:

It was great when I met someone who saved me back then after the murder attempt and the raging war caused by Zalgo and saved by Slenderman. Cole Stands up and giving Slenderman a friendly handshake, showing that he trusts him and happy to meet him. Believe me, I know the difference with each of his handshakes even it's not noticeable. He might not be predictable like other people, but I can read his emotions through his actions even he masked it with a smile and cheerful bubbly persona.

"It has been such a long time, my child. I'm very glad that I can meet both of you. You both have grown up," Slenderman told him. 

"Yeah, you met us when we were still in 10 year-ish," Cole put his finger under his chin, thinking and speaking. 

"Correct, both of you were just only as high as my knees back then, "Slenderman tease both of us. 

"Okay, stop that. We know we were just a midget back then," Cole roll his eyes at him. 

"Alright, I'll stop. However, I do have an offer for both of you," Slenderman looks at us with...I'm not sure he's staring at us actually since he is faceless.

"Okay, you can tell us," Cole says. 

"Will the two of you stay together in my mansion and join as my killers? We need someone who is powerful as you and your sister to become our killing machine and defeat our enemy," Slenderman explains. 

"Enemy? Who is your enemy?" I didn't prepare myself when I hear his next word. 

"It is Zalgo, the demon king," he told us. 

Out mouth quickly shut by itself upon hearing the name of our parent's killer. The air was thick with silence, you could hear a pin drop during this silence. Instantly my eyes turn white as I walk up to Slenderman and lend my hands at him "We'll join you to defeat, kill him. We will kill him," I told him. Cole's eyes widened after hearing me, my voice filled with hatred and animosity "(Y/N)! What are you saying!?! We're not even strong enough to kill him-" He was quickly got cut off by Slenderman. 

"It's alright, we can train both of you. All of us will help you kill Zalgo but in exchange, you both will become one of us, do we have the deal?" Slenderman ask both of us, especially Cole. 

Dark magic (Creepypasta x Dark and blood bender! Female! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now