Chapter 13

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A/N: I'm truly sorry for not updating the story in such a long time. I just finished the final exam in my college and because of the Corona, the one who cleans and take care of the house are me and my older sister. The picture isn't mine, credit to the owner because I found it in the google.



"Find out about her more...that girl can be zalgo's spouse. If it's true that she's zalgo spouse then we need to kill her immediately."


"Yes sir."

"Understand sir"

"We'll do sir."



I open my eyes to see my room, it was strange because I remember Jessica....she was killed by the monochrome clown. I don't know why Brian and Tim brought me to the cursed amusement park. Is there something that I don't know about Tim and Brian? Is it more than meets the eye? Who are you really.... Somehow, my mind telling me that these Tim and Brian guys are the same one with the two masked killers. The one with feminine white mask and the one with a black ski frown mask. Are they....the same person but they are pretending to be normal person even though they are murderer?

If that's the case, I need to be more careful when I'm around Tim and Brian. They give me a vibe that they aren't trustworthy and need to be cautious around them with Cole. Maybe Cole know about Tim and Brian, in case if Tim and Brian are dangerous guys. Thinking about Tim and Brian makes my brain hurt more after the encounter with that damned clown. I swear, if I can get my hands on him, I will break him.....just like the way he break me. He was lucky because I hear several footsteps getting close and I know that someone is going to save, I disappear into a thin air.

"(Y/N)? Are you inside? I hear your voice," Cole knock the door.

"Y-yeah!" I tried not to stammer.

".....You're home so early, is there anything happen?" Cole ask from outside the bedroom."

"Not really.....I want to ask you, Cole. Can you come inside?"


The door open and my eye sight move from the bed into the tall figure who are standing there, looking at me with worry. Cole walked up to me and sit next to me as he places his hands on the blanket, starring at me, trying to read my emotion. He looks at me intensely. "So, what do you want to talk about?" He asks. I look at him and to the blanket on his hands, It's clear that I'm nervous around him. "Cole, do you know anything about...Tim and Brian?" He looks up to the ceiling, thinking deeply about those guys. "I'm not sure, all I know that Tim and Brian is Jay and Jessica's friend. Why do you ask?" He asks.

I sigh, trying to ease my nervous state and calm my beating heart in which where it's beating really fast. "I feel I cannot trust Tim and Brian...I feel....they are actually someone dangerous," I admit, hoping that Cole trust my words. It would be a huge pain in the a** if he doesn't believe me at all. "If you say so. I won't let Tim nor Brian get close to you. I actually think that they might be someone dangerous too. I can tell Jay about this if you want too?" He asks. My lips curved slightly, I was filled with happiness, knowing that Cole trust my words and want to help Jay too.

"Anything else, (Y/N)?"He ask again. Suddenly, I remember how did I beat the dangerous demonic clown from the abandoned amusement park. The memory was vivid, the way I slam the clown to the ground from high place and how I treat the clown's minion as if all of them just a doll that can be easily destroyed. "Who Am I, Cole? I....somehow can control a dark black smoke after I got really angry...." His eyes widened. His jaw would probably drop if his jaw can detached and attached easily.

"D-dark...smoke?" he stammers.

"Yeah, and something strange sight was slightly red and I was acting more...violent,"

"(Y/N)...... you're just ..... like me" his lips quiver.

I was surprised when I see his eyes glistening and tears escapes from his eyes. Why is he crying right in front of me? Did I say something hurtful. "I'm sor-" he cuts me of "No....don't be sorry" he wipes his tears away. His frown turn into a smile This is the first time I see him smiling genuinely, sweet and soft like a cotton candy. "You might not believe me are a Dark Enchantress are my little sister." My eyes widened again, there was painful pang inside my head.... all the memories... mom..... dad.... and Zalgo the demon.

"AARGHH!!!!!!" I hold my head in pain.

"(Y/N)!!!!!" He freaks out.

His hand holds my shoulder as he pulls me closer to his body, trying to ease my headache. It feels like a damn knife just stabbed through my skull. "Mom....Dad.... They were killed" I sob, crying like a waterfall.









Our father was standing in front of us protectively while out mom was holding us, looking at the demon in front of us with so much hatred. Both of their eyes were glowing white. "YOU DAMN DEMON! WE ARE NOT GOING TO GIVE OUR KINGDOM TO YOU! WE ALSO WON'T WORK WITH YOU ANYMORE! YOU ARE CAUSING DANGER TO EVERYONE!" Zalgo hisses and growls at us. "Fine, if that's what you want....ATTACK!!!" Monsters began surrounding us. Me and Cole were hiding in our mom's arms, fire spreads everywhere.

A scream could be heard," COLE!!! (Y/N)!!!! RUN AND DON'T COME BACK!!!!" Our mom pushes us away to the secret passage as we began running. Escaping the hideous monsters and zalgo's guards. "SEARCH THEM!!! DON'T LET THAT TWO KIDS RUN AWAY!!!" Our tiny feet ran faster, hiding from everyone and escaping the death. I could feel my golden tiara fell off somewhere but for now....the tiara doesn't worth to get killed. I was holding Cole's hand as tears escapes from my eyes, remember the sight of our parent's death.

I saw a light suddenly appear, I look at Cole who just opened the portal to escape, His hands wrapped around mine and picked me up "CLOSE YOU EYES!!!". Instantly, I close my eyes and everything turns white. Then, everything turns white...both of us injured deeply after we landed somewhere we don't know and a gentleman with blurry figure looks at us and ask "you are injured....let me help you. But you won't remember everything and remember who am I until I meet you both." That's the last thing I remember.


Thank you for reading! I hope you like this chapter!




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