Chapter 17

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A/N: Sorry for the lung update! I was really sick and busy because of the college and thank you for the 1.000 reading! Thank you so much everyone! Anyway, the picture isn't mine and credit to the owner! The creator is Okumuraja from Deviantart! Anyway, in this chapter you will meet Lost Silver, Glitchy Red and Dark Link! Please read this story with caution, there will be profanity, violence and gore.



Third Person POV:

Jane agreed, she paid attention to the teacher in front of her, not really focusing on the material since she isn't really smart with technology unlike the elf. Natalie presses both of her hands, thinking about the other killer who are going to target her in the next day. She hope that the last killers would able to kill her and not pissing Slendy. She almost felt bad if the girl going to face Slendy since he's the most feral and brutal in killing. Even Jeff cannot beat Slenderman's brutality.


(Y/N) POV:

I'm glad that there was another nurse and doctor came to aid my wounds on both of my hands. The first doctor made me uncomfortable. The strangest thing that happen that the second doctor and the nurse told me that they don't know any doctor with creepy smile mask and a messy black hair. I mean, the doctor was kinda attractive but he gave me a dark vibe when I was around him. As if the doctor isn't really a doctor but rather a dangerous murderer. There's a question lingering in my brain ' why there's a lot of creatures or people trying to kill me?' I asked myself.

I could feel my mind is overwhelming while thinking about all the murder attempt by them, why do they seem hate me so much and try to kill me? I haven't done anything wrong in my past life, have I? Even if I'm a dark enchantress, we have a certain rule which is we can kill anyone but don't hurt the innocent one. Cole told me all of the rules how to be a good Dark enchantress. We are only allowed to hurt or kill those who have done a huge damage such as rapist, a politician that is corrupt, bullies, or those who hurt others just for fun. Unlike demons or devil, we don't take or lure humans to do a bad deeds. We look like a grim reaper and had a little bit of their traits , but we don't take other people soul with a scythe nor working to rip other people soul.

The pain on my hands were throbbing but I decide to ignore the pain, not wanting to make Cole feel more bad than before. Believe me when I told you that he could be dramatic, especially is he sees a little bit of scratch. One time, he was panicking and acting like a headless chicken after he saw a small cut on my thumbs because I wasn't careful while cutting the carrots and celeries. He's the definition of 'mother' when he's like that, worrying and rushing to every room to take all the medical kits. After he saw the injury on my hands, you could imagine what he's look like and it was kinda amusing.

"(Y/N)? I brought you some chicken cream soup with garlic bread!" he opens the door.

"You just came at the right time. I'm hungry as hell," I sat up.

" How's your hand?" He ask.


"I told the teacher, you can skip the today because of the injury on your hand. You can rest today," he put the tray on the table.

"Really? Thank you so much!" I feel slightly relax.

"No problem! Now, you should rest. If you need anything, just call me. I'll be in the next room," he stands up.

Dark magic (Creepypasta x Dark and blood bender! Female! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now