Chapter 38 (Part 2)

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A/N: The picture is not mine and is credited to the owner of the picture. If you have watched Jujutsu Kaisen, I think you will know where this is going. Before continuing reading, In This chapter will contain violence, cannibalism, gore, horror, and other triggering stuff that could make you squeamish. Please read this chapter with caution or skip a few chapters because some chapters are very disgusting. Thank you, for reading the short A/N.

Warning: Profanity, Cannibalism, Gore, Mention of injury, Cringy jokes, Mention of rotten food and violence



Third Person POV:

"Welcome, everyone~welcome to my humble house," a creepy voice came out of nowhere.

Turning around, they see an enormous creature with a body and a bee's wings. It was the king of the gluttony itself, Beelzebub. 'Oh wow...he is bigger than what I expected (Y/N) thought, eyes widened and surprised to see the creature.


The creature's size could not be described, but it was larger than a single elephant and it makes (Y/N)'s gut squeeze with anxiety. She never had to fight a creature that are larger than her until now. She still remembers the training with Slenderman and the fight with the other proxies but that does not mean she was not afraid of them too, especially those who manage to give her trauma after Jessica's incident along with the hands that clawed her hands from the computer screen.

It was not only her who was tense, the rest of the Slenderman proxies were also standing there like a statue, frozen in the spot of backing away slightly as they looked at the creature with disgust. The pungent smell from the creature makes (Y/N) cringe slightly, trying not to gag or threw her breakfast out, ' God' it smells awful, like a rotten egg and a fart. It smells worse than the lake,' she internally grumbles.

"Beelzebub..."Slenderman's voice gets deeper, showing clearly that he does not like the creature in front of him.

"Why don't you sit and enjoy a bath on our lake," Beelzebub snickers, smiling creepily.

"And turning into ash because of the acid? No thank you," Jeff mumbles to himself, rolling his eyes and crossing both of his arms.

Unfortunately, the demon with the body of a bee heard Jeff the Killer's words as the demon send him a glare even though two killers behind him were holding their snickers, especially Laughing Jack who expected the sassy killer would say that out loud. Just like Masky, Jeff is known as someone who is brutally honest and does not give any crap even if their words were mean.

The demon was not amused by Jeff's answer as the eyes of the demon squinted, judging all of Slenderman's proxies. The sound of his wings was getting louder and louder before all of the small winged demons slowly appear one by one. As soon as Jeff and Laughing Jack see the sight, the two of them realized that they should not have done that. Noticing this, (Y/N) takes a deep breath and shakes her head side to side, judging the two of them internally, 'I regret that they are in this group.'

Everyone realizes that many winged demons are surrounding them as some of the proxies sent a glare to Jeff the Killer., internally blaming the white hooded killer. One by one, the smaller demons began attacking every proxy, including (Y/N) with Rue's help shooting dark pentagrams at the flying creatures and summoning a scythe before slicing the little creatures with it.

Dark magic (Creepypasta x Dark and blood bender! Female! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now