Chapter 2

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A/N: Hello my fellow readers. I 'm trying to make the story at least more than 4 chapters so please be patience. I have a lot of stories to be updated.



(Y/N) POV:

The walls colour is grey mixed with white colour and the bed's structure were made from a Mahogany wood that was painted with white colour as there is flower portrait on my left. On the right, there is a nightstand with a small lamp and an alarm clock. Across the bed is the table with a white chair for me to study or doing makeup. Then, on the left of the table are the wardrobes. When I say wardrobes, it's not only one but two wardrobes.

I am very grateful that this guy named Cole took me and wants to help me around even though I don't remember anything. I just hope I can get my memory soon so I can repay his kindness and learn about my past. Sooner or later, I felt my eyes grow heavy and my mind began wondering as a yawn escaped from my mouth. My eyes slowly covered themselves as I drifted to the dreamland.


(Y/N) POV:

In my dream, I saw darkness everywhere. There were lights from far away but it's still not clear for my eyes. What I saw was a red light and it looks like the light is from some kind of fire. When I walked closer, I could hear some shouts of anger and pain.

I also heard a crashing sound from swords and spear. Plus with a burst of evil laughter that can send a shiver to anyone who heard this kind of voice. The laugh promising violence and malice in it, it made me scared with the demonic laughter who's laughing at the others misery. My ears can hear him whispering to me as I hear some people screaming and crying in pain. Every inch of my souls screaming with a broken heart.

My eyes widened at the sight of the scene in front of me, blood was splattering around me and I see some decaying corpse in front of me. I try to hold my mouth before I can let out a puke my insides out. Some of the creatures and people in there are attacking and running away by limping, crawling, and shuffling away as half of their body was gone. Tears slowly scrolling from my eyes to my cheeks as I watch this cursed scene.

"(Y/N)! Cole! Run now!!" I heard someone scream my name, I couldn't see his face clearly but his voice was deep.

I saw cole held one of my hand and then ran away with me. Hold on, why I see cole in this kind of place? Is he some kind of my guardian? He pulls my hand and we run away as my feet keep stumbling on the rough patches. I see him keep dragging me as my feet getting painful because of some shards on the ground. Cole carefully picks me up in a piggyback style and continue running from the gigantic demon. The demon has several eyes on his body and he has jet black skin. I could feel his evil stare.










My breath hitches and my eyes watered as I sat up, feeling a slight pain in my throat and my head. What was that? Why did I see something scary? What the hell, it feels so real. As if I'm that unfortunate kid. My hands moved to my face as I wiped my tears away, my heart and my throat clenched....feeling dry. I let out a sigh and stood up as my feet move to the door and opening them. I went to the kitchen as I filled my cup with water and drank.

I have a feeling that my nightmare is some kind of Deja vu, why it felt as if I went through that all nightmare scene, I also saw two people that seem familiar. However, their faces were blurry but it feels like the old man and the woman were my parents. Footsteps could be heard from far and I looked up to see Cole with worry written all over his face. His eyes softened slightly as he has bed hair.

"You okay?" He asks me.

"...I'm fine," I lie to him while looking on the ground.

"Don't lie, your eyes red and slightly puffy. Tell me what happens." He demands me to tell the truth.

"...a nightmare, scary nightmare," I tell him but not completely.

"Do you, want to talk about it? I'm here for you," He smiles and sits next to me.

I was silent for a moment and agree with him. My feet move to the nearest couch as I sat next to him while my right leg crossed my left leg. I told him my nightmare but I cut the part where he grabbed me and we ran away together as we ran away from the gigantic demon.

Cole's POV:

I sat next to her and began listening to her story. My eyes widened when she told me that she sees a gigantic jet black demon with many red eyes. I'm also surprised when she told me that she sees two people that seem to be familiar with her but she cannot see their faces. Is her memory going back? I know that two people that she said is our parent, they got killed by the hand of Zalgo.

I see her eyes getting watery as she bit her lip trying to hold her sobs. Usually, I would pat her head and hug her if she has a nightmare when she was just a kid. I would also give her warm milk by heating a glass of vanilla milk in the microwave for two minutes and I gave it to her. She used to be a cry baby when we were young. Not gonna lie, I might be all tough back then but secretly softie for her. Since I don't want her to be uncomfortable, My hand moved to the top of her head and pet it gently as I'm trying to soothe her.

"Uh, it's okay. It's only a dream, nothing will happen," It's not a dream.

"But it feels so real," She said.

"Uhhh, when I have a nightmare of falling from a high place it always feels so real. It feels so real because it's so scary, that's why," I lie to her.

"O-okay, if you say so," she wipes her tears away.

"Now, go to your bedroom. I want to bring you to my and your best friends, I don't know if you can remember them," I tell her.

She nods as she stood up and hugged me. I was surprised when she hugged me. Nevertheless, I hugged her back as my arms wrapped around her tiny waist and my other hand pat her back gently. I remember that both of us close as we often hug, fight, steal each other toy's, playing a game together, eat snacks together while watching marvel and Disney. I miss her...we haven't met for a long time after that war.

I let her go as I see the smile painted across her face and she thanked me. This feeling, I miss It so much. I could feel my throat getting tighter slightly. Finally, my little sister back in my arms, I just hope she can regain her memories so we can joke about our past. I watched her slowly disappeared into the darkness as she went back to her bedroom. My mouth moves on its own as I can hear myself say these words "I will protect matter what."

~ Cliffhanger ~


Thank you for reading. I hope you like it.




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