Chapter 32

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A/N: The picture is not mine, credit to the owner of the picture JimmySekiGray from Deviantart. This chapter will contain mentions of rape words, gore, violence, profanities, and other things that could trigger the reader. Please read this chapter with caution, don't say that I haven't warned you. Anyway, thank you for the one thousand reads. I hope you enjoy it!



Red Angel POV:

The male looks at me with surprise before he closes his eyes and the corner of his lips twitches slightly before it turns into a sadistic smile. "You know, I owe you for that information. Thank you for the information," he tapped on my shoulder. I shrugged, acting innocent as if I didn't tell anything to him. "It was nothing. I just need to see that fucker can survive from you," I smiled innocently. 

"You are truly an angel," I heard him insulting me, but I know it was a playful insult. 

"What can I say...After all, I'm a red angel," I smirk. 


Third Person POV:

There was no warmth in Judge Angel arms since she is not a normal human being, a resurrected human that turns into a demon but with angel wings. Nonetheless, it was still comforting for the crying girl as her hiccups died down in each minute, feeling safe that many proxies actually care for her and tried to save her from a certain rapist in the mansion.  She was especially glad that Judge Angel was there to save her. 

The black-haired female wasn't familiar with the bird mask male but she heard the rumours from all of the proxies, how they are spiteful towards three certain males including Zalgo the lord of the darkness but not the other two males until she met him several hours ago even though she didn't see the guy looks. 

That doesn't mean she was not aware that he was going to do the sinful deed towards her body because she could feel a leathery touch on her skin, tracing it with an awful intention. (Y/N) wanted to screen and kick at the person who was pinning her to the bed but she was in a coma so she could only hear the repulsive words thrown at her and the touch of a disgusting human being. 

(Y/N) snuggled closer to Judge Angel arms before the tears on her eyes were dying out, causing her eyes to be a little bit puffy and red. Everyone inside of the room looks at her with worry and guilt, not expecting that Isaac was going to harm the girl. Sure, some of them isn't a virgin but they didn't force themselves to their partners.

Out of nowhere, there was another weight on the bed with her hands touching and patting (Y/N)'s back very gently like what mothers do to their daughter. "You need anything? Another water? Food?" It was Jane, she made her voice a little bit softer for (Y/N). 

The black-haired female shook her head, signalling that she doesn't need other things and only some rest since she has cried for more than an hour until she feels her eyes a little bit dry because she cried a lot with a throat that also dried up because of the hiccups. This is her first time exposing her fragile side, the girl hates showing what she considered as a 'weakness'. 

Time by time, everyone leaves her alone and gives her some space to calm down except Jane, Suicide Sadie and Judge Angel.  The three of them are staying for her, planning to sleep together with (Y/N) to protect her from any creep, especially either from Isaac or the other proxies that will join soon. 

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