Chapter 37

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A/N: The picture is not mine and is credited to the owner of the picture. If you have watched Jujutsu Kaisen, I think you will know where this is going. Before continuing reading, In This chapter will contain violence, cannibalism, gore, horror, and other triggering stuff that could make you squeamish. Please read this chapter with caution or skip a few chapters because some chapters are very disgusting. Thank you, for reading the short A/N.

Warning: Profanity, Cannibalism, Gore, Mention of injury, Cringy jokes and violence



Third Person POV:

As the wings disappear, Jane and the rest of the female proxies except Nuse Ann rush over to the younger girl and glance at her with concern, "H-Hey, you're okay? Are you okay?" Judge Angel held one of her arms, trying to give her some support to stand up properly. "I'm fine....I just did not expect the disgusting taste and that overpowering energy," (Y/N) pants, looking up to see a glimpse of Slenderman walking up to her.

"Let's go home....we should have a rest time after all of this. I am sure everyone is very tired, including me." Slenderman spoke, his hand holding her other hand, helping her to stand up too.


(Y/N) POV:

The walk was tiring for everyone including me even though I had the least injuries than the rest, 'If only I have healing power. I could help them but I control darkness. I can not help them that much,' I silently curse myself. Many people would find me pathetic that I still treat these proxies kindly even though they tried to kill me several times and some of them treated me as if I'm nothing to them, just a parasite that could be flicked away.

Taking a deep breath, I look down as my mind began wandering about the recent fight with Sathanah. She was very pissed when she saw I got protected by Rue. I'm glad that Rue protected me from the giant demon but what was surprising me the most was that the demon called Rue as 'Rue the Raven'. As if she is sensing that I was thinking about Sathanah calling her Raven, the black-haired demon quickly try to stop my thought.

'Focus on the way to the mansion, we don't want you to crash and look like an idiot, don't we?' Rue snickers.

'Shut the fuck up drug dealer lookalike. Anyway, what this going to be my next demon that we need to kill?' I ask her.

'I don't really remember to be honest but if I must tell you, I think it would be Gluttony. Sadly, I don't know that much of Gluttony demon,' Rue getting across her points to me.

'So we need to talk with Slenderman, once again?' I ask rue.

'It seems so. I think our opponent is going to be a little bit harder than Sathanah so we need to be careful because I never met the demon of glutton personally,' Rue sighs.

"I see. I will be careful,' I end my talk right there with Rue.

As all of the Slenderman's proxies walked together, something cold yet comforting was placed on top of my shoulder. My eyes quickly peered over the owner of the hand, it has a leathery glove with some rips there and there, " I owe you one," it was Masky. I couldn't see his face but I notice that his voice goes a little bit softer as he say those words to me. I was quite speechless hearing those words.

Dark magic (Creepypasta x Dark and blood bender! Female! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now