Chapter 42

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A/N: The picture is not mine and is credited to the owner of the picture. If you have watched Jujutsu Kaisen, I think you will know where this is going. Before continuing reading, In This chapter will contain violence, cannibalism, gore, horror, and other triggering stuff that could make you squeamish. Please read this chapter with caution or skip a few chapters because some chapters are very disgusting. Also, I would like to thank you for the six thousand reads and for all of the two hundred votes. Thank you, for reading the short A/N.



Rue POV:

It has been such a hectic night for me while (Y/N) was sleeping peacefully next to Judge Angel, 'Damn it, why do I need to work on my ass off to make armour. Why it's easier to make a weapon instead of this thing,' I silently curse myself, hammering and shaping the darkened diamond with the sledgehammer I stole from Hades. I didn't really steal anyway, I was just borrowing it and then I will give it back once I am done using it but it's still stealing since I did not have his permission yet.

With one more slam of the sledgehammer on the chest plate, I use the sleeve of my shirt to wipe the sweat on my forehead and pick it up with the iron pincher before putting the chest plate inside of the lake to cool down the protection from the heat. The diamond that I use on the armour isn't really pure diamond since I just want to make it heat resistance to help (Y/N) in the battle.

I can feel the muscles on my neck and shoulder are very stiff along with my calves since I have been standing for more than two hours without any place for me to sit. Yes, I can summon any kind of chair in my domain alone but it's the best for me to stand up when you are creating armours or weapons because when you are sitting, you cannot see a certain angle and that certain angle might need some fixing if I did not pay attention. 

Once the sizzling sound was gone and the temperature of the lake rising because of the heat, I carefully raised the chest plate without dropping it, laid it on my working table, and put the final piece on (Y/N)'s armour. Couldn't help but feel proud of my creation, none of the demons can create things like me as I wipe the diamond plates with the handkerchief to see the shine and my own beautiful reflection on it.

"My most perfect creation, sadly you are going to be really dirty soon," I shake my head side to side, wishing that this beautiful thing wouldn't get dirty so easily.

Once (Y/N) wakes up in the morning, I would quickly show her my masterpiece before she's going to have some breakfast with the rest of the proxies and silently hoping that it would fit her and not be too heavy. After all, even if she was trained by her brother and some killers in the mansion. (Y/N) doesn't have good endurance as her brother does and this masterpiece would protect her completely from Leviathan. 








The sound of the alarm on top of the wooden oak nightstand made me flinch and jump in surprise, not expecting the cursed little thing would make me frightened just by its sounds as I glare at the little thing. If (Y/N) sees what just happened, she would definitely laugh her ass off and make fun of me but luckily she is sleeping peacefully after all of the fights with the good of nothing my ex.

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