Chapter 44 (Part 3)

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A/N: The picture is not mine and is credited to the owner of the picture. If you have watched Jujutsu Kaisen, I think you will know where this is going. Before continuing reading, This chapter will contain violence, cannibalism, gore, horror, and other triggering stuff that could make you squeamish. Please read this chapter with caution or skip a few chapters because some chapters are very disgusting. Also, I would like to thank everyone for the seven thousand readers and all of the votes. Thank you, for reading the short A/N. 



Third-Person Point of View:

(Y/N) remembers light pink means the surrounding would turn sticky and the girl quickly jump into the small puddle as she began to feel sticky all over her body. Hoping the water could wash off the nasty sensation and rolled around the small puddle until she could feel it was gone. (Y/N) stood up from the small puddle and dashed away, searching for Nurse Ann.

"Shit- I'm stuck! Help!" A familiar temperamental nurse can be heard from far away

"Wait there!" (Y/N) screams, trying to follow Nurse Ann's sounds.


As the girl goes deeper into the cafe after washing off the sticky sensation from the fog that smells like bubblegum with a vibrant light pink colour, the girl found the certain red-headed nurse who deems to be stuck on the ground with a sticky substance all over her uniform and limbs. Even though the sight was amusing for the certain (H/C) hair colour and (S/C) skin colour girl. It was not the right time to make fun of the nurse.

Nurse Ann was not only stuck on the ground but it seems she was trapped with both of her hands and feet has some kind of slime or sticky spider web look-alike glued to the ground of the cave. Instead of just standing there and watching the red-haired nurse trying to escape by clawing the ground with her sharp knives-like nails, the girl had an idea to help the poor maiden.

"Wait here, I will bring something over for you to get you out from this stuff and I will try to be quick as possible," (Y/N) stood up once she was done with kneeling.

"Ughhh, I don't want to be saved by you," her red sclera rolled around as she scoffs mockingly at (Y/N).

"...Alright, I won't help you," (Y/N) pushing both of her knees so she could stand up.

"W-WAIT! NO! DON'T LEAVE ME HERE PLEASE!" Nurse Ann's loud voice not only alarmed the certain (H/C) hair girl but also made the girl a little bit panicked since she did not want Belphegor to hear them

"SHHH! Don't be so loud! Calm down, I will help you but stop acting like a jerk after this and wait for me. To remove this, you need water," she whispers yelling at Nurse Ann.

"...Fine but hurry," The nurse's eyes adverted, sucking up her ego and glancing away from (Y/N) as she mutters.

The girl steps backwards very carefully without causing any kind of clicking noises from her shoes before she turns around and starts to walk away to find the same water source while pulling out a single plastic bottle to be filled up. Of course, she has several empty bottles inside her bag not because she knew this will happen but it was because she would often forget to throw away the unnecessary stuff in the bag.

Her eyes would glance left and right, looking out for the certain demonic creature with the help of Rue's guide as the dark creature from the other side would whisper in her ears where to turn so she wouldn't meet the smaller demon. Despite the raven-haired demon trying to help (Y/N), both of them could see several pairs of eyes behind the fog that surrounds everyone.

Dark magic (Creepypasta x Dark and blood bender! Female! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now