~🏖Special Chapter: Vacation Beach 🏖~

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A/N: The picture is not mine and credit to the owner thekaryn from Deviantart. I think this picture is quite funny because it shows Jeff running away from Jane who is going to shoot him. This chapter will contain profanities, a little smut and Comedies (Even it's not going to be funny). Anyway, thank you for reading this A/N. Shout out to AngeloveDaa for requesting this chapter.


Third Person POV:

The whole mansion was filled with silence, there were no sounds of arguing between Jeff and Jane, creepypasta eating in the dining room, laughter from Laughing Jack, screaming from the victims or any proxies who are talking. You could hear a dropping pin from east to west of the mansion or a sound of someone's heartbeat. Even the tallest man in the mansion found the condition rather strange because it's often chaos in the mansion, 'Strange, why there is no sound at all in this mansion. I haven't give any missions since two days ago....it should be loud and full of chaos right now.' Slenderman thought.

Before Slenderman could stand up and ask what's going on, there was a knock from the outside of his office room and it was rather a soft knock, not a loud and brash knock. Even he couldn't see the person behind the door, he knew the person who just knocked on the door is the familiar black-haired female. She waited for him to open the door while playing with her own fingers until the door was wide open. Her eyes glance at the tall fatherly figure in front of her, "Come in, my child," he told her as he steps aside to let her in.

"Okay sir," she goes inside t=his office room.

"Good afternoon, my child," he greets with a hidden enthusiasm in his voice.

"Good afternoon, sir. I need to speak with you just for a few seconds," the girl told him.

"Of course, you can sit on that chair and I'll make two cups of Citrus Mint tea while we are going to talk," he said as he closes the door.

(Y/N) walks over to the traditional victorian couch and sat on it with Slenderman went over to his kettle and making the tea for the two of them. It doesn't need a long time, he was done making the tea for three minutes and pouring the tea into the cups before putting the cups on the table and letting it cooled a little bit.

It has a little bit of sweet smell because of the honey inside of it but also a sour smell because of the lime, "Be patient, my child. The tea is still hot, let it cool for several minutes," Slenderman told her, thinking the girl was going to drink the hot beverage immediately. However, the girl shook her head 'Sir, I wasn't going to drink the tea. I'm just curious about the smell because there's a lime smell on it,' she thought.

Slenderman gives a slight nod, understanding her real intention," Ah, I see. Indeed I add a little bit of lime inside of the tea. It's very good for health," he said. Even if she's a fan of tea, the black-haired girl wasn't a fan of lime since it's very sour like a lemonade. But the girl decides to face it since she doesn't want to hurt Slenderman's feelings.

"Are you aware that the mansion was too silent?" The girl asked, straight to the point.

"I do, I find it strange that there's no chaos like usually," Slenderman mumbled.

"I want to tell you sir that...some of us stay inside our room because we are kinda a little bit bored," she explained to him but also trying not to sound demanding.

"Do you have any suggestions?" He asked, curious about the idea to make all of the proxies came back like before.

"How about all of us have a vacation on the beach so we could have fun?" From her tone, there was a little bit of hesitance in it, hoping that the fatherly figure would agree.

Dark magic (Creepypasta x Dark and blood bender! Female! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now