Chapter 49

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A/N: I apologise to all of the readers for not updating this book for more than a month, as the author has been busy with the dissertation, meetings, and house chores. The author would also like to warn everyone to be cautious when reading this book because there will be gore, violence, lime, slight NSFW, cannibalism, mention of sickness, and other triggers.
P.S.: Creepypasta is not created by me. I only own the plot of this book.



Third-Person Point Of View

(Y/N) let out another sigh of relief, her earlier tension replaced by a sense of reassurance as she turned to leave the forest.
"Let's just go back right now. I'm sure Nurse Anna and Eyeless Jack are already freaking out right now if they find out that you're not resting," the girl strutted away.
Cole followed closely behind her; unbeknownst to her, the person behind her had taken on the guise of her brother with an evil smile playing on his lips. As they made their way back to the abandoned mansion, (Y/N) remained unaware that the person behind her was not her dear brother, Cole Aphelion. With his eyes flickering with cyan blue, in one second they came back with crimson eyes.


A tall, faceless man stirs the pots of soup inside a Dutch pan. He chops shallots and garlic, enjoying the lingering scent as they soften in the pan. A dash of sherry awakens the senses, imbuing the soup with heat and depth. He quickly blends the materials - mushroom broth, shallot mixture, fresh mushrooms, and thyme. As the scent penetrates the woods, Slenderman stands silently, savouring the grandeur of his creation. His tendrils carefully lifted the handle of the pan before bringing it to the table.

Slenderman's thoughts are interrupted by a sudden realisation: he needs cherry tomatoes for the pasta. Hastily, he makes his way to where the tomatoes are stored, only to find not one, but two baskets. His non-existent eyebrows furrow in confusion. He distinctly instructed Sally and Smile Dog to retrieve only one basket, not two.
"Strange, I only tell Sally and Smile Dog to bring one basket of cherry tomatoes. Why on the table are there two baskets of cherry tomatoes?" He mutters to himself.

On closer inspection, his suspicions are confirmed: the second basket's contents are hairy horse nettles, not cherry tomatoes. With a flick of his wrist, he discards the imposters, throwing them from the windows and breathing heavily despite having no mouth or nose to breathe. There is no way Sally and Smile's dog were picking such dangerous plants for everyone, he already told Sally and Smile to just pick the tomatoes near the houses because he planted them by himself, and those two are not idiots, but he needs to ask these two.

As Slenderman's slim fingers linger over the dropped horse nettles, a shudder of anxiety runs through him. He is well aware of the risks of mistaking toxic plants for edible ones. Despite his faith that Sally and Smile Dog would not make a mistake on such an important task, he needs confirmation. Sending a gentle static to order these two, he calls them to the kitchen.
"My child Sally and Smile Dog, I need you two to come here and give me an explanation about your last task," Slenderman spoke.

As the faint echo of footsteps draws nearer, Slenderman's acute senses detect the familiar rhythm of Smile Dog's wagging tail. Standing beside him is Sally, her expression a blend of curiosity and puzzlement.
"What is it, Mister Slenderman?" she asks, her voice tinged with genuine concern.
Slenderman's gaze focuses on them both, his slender figure exuding seriousness. "Sally and Smile," he says, his voice was gentle but penetrating murmur, "did you pick cherry tomatoes outside of my garden?" The question hovers in the air, full of concern.
"No, sir. We did not pick any tomatoes outside of your garden," she confirms.
"Very well, may I see your memory for a quick moment to see if you tell the truth?" Slenderman crouched down to see her at eye level.
"Of course!" she agrees without hesitation

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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