Chapter 7

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A/N: I'm very much aware that Ben Drowned is a kid and he is 12 years old. However, I'm not going to write a story about reader X Ben drowned where the reader is 10 years older. That's just paedophilia and that's disgusting. So, I will make Ben Drowned older probably around 17-19 years old with the same age as Jeff (Okay Maybe Jeff will be one year older. For example if Ben is 17, Jeff is 18). This chapter also were you going to survive from Ben Drowned. So, expect gore in here and be cautious.

Warning: Gore.



A scream of pain escapes from my lips but I couldn't give up, right now. I need to escape from him and his throwing knives. My eyes peeked at the river in front of me and I quickly jumped inside the river, swimming away from the white hooded killer since I can swim real quick than running. After I was getting more far away, I swam to the nearest land and pulled myself to the ground. The pain was burning as the knife stuck on my thigh and my back. I groaned and saw people from far away and I scream with my loudest voice, they both heard my scream and rushes up to help me before my vision turns black...feeling thankful that I escaped even though I almost die. 



I heard noises but I could not recognize those voices, except one person and his voice similar.....It was the man who met me the first time in the hospital. The man who helped me and gave me a roof on top of my head. What is he doing here? Why do I hear him shouting and crying my name? Does he think I'm dying? I don't think the knives hit any important organ because I clearly remember that the knives only stabbed my side and my thigh although it's was painful. I give him a signal that I'm still alive by groaning. I internally hiss in pain since the wound stings like there's tomorrow.

"N-Nurse! She is waking up!" He yells louder than before.

Soon, I heard footsteps getting closer to me and my eyes slowly open up,  but everything was blurry and I couldn't figure people who are surrounding me right now. All I can hear are incoherent words and people calling my name repeatedly. Something big and shadowy is waving around my face as my vision getting more clear. "Hurt....." I feel my throat dry and I can hear my voice slightly hoarse. 

"D-don't move! You are injured real bad!" Cole panic.

Right now, I can see everyone in the room included cole and some of my friends included Tim, Jay, Jessica and Brian. I don't know the other people by the way...and I mean those people are the doctors and the nurse. Cole engulfs me in his arms as I feel warm in his embrace. I couldn't move but the least I can do is lean my head to his shoulder gently. Showing that I appreciate his bear hug. I ask everyone in the room "What happen?"

"Someone found you injured. Two old people, I think they are cole's neighbour. They found you wounded near the river and they tell Cole after they brought you to hospital. Then, Cole told all of us in the group chat," Jessica explains to me.

"It's clear someone is trying to kill you in the spot. So, what's exactly happened?" Jay asks both Cole and me.

"...I was going to the bakery near the Market because Cole told me that he can buy any bread I want and I agreed. When I was out, this person...he purposely targeting me and chase me to the forest so I will get lost. He keeps throwing a butterfly knife at me and I think two of his knife pierced my waist and my thigh. I saw a river and jumped inside the river and swimming because I know I can swim fast and when I got far away. I saw two people from far and I screamed as loud as I can..... that's it," I explain to him.

Dark magic (Creepypasta x Dark and blood bender! Female! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now