Chapter 23

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A/N: The picture isn't mine and credit to the Owner of the picture Okumura Jaqueline from Tumblr shout out to him/her/ they made many great Fanarts by digital drawing and I aspire to have a great drawing art style for him/her/ they or my best friend. Warning, this chapter will contain profanity, violence and gore.



(Y/N) POV:

After hearing my replies, Judge Angel was laughing out loud and the guy with the white mask only shook his head at me, disappointed with either me or Nurse Ann's antics. Meanwhile, Nurse Ann was fuming red as she clenches her fist "HOW DARE YOU! I WILL MAKE YOU REGRET EVERYTHING FOR TOMORROW!" She screams at me while storming off to somewhere else. Judge Angel looks at me and giggles " she deserves that. She always bullies the new creepypasta. It's so cool that you can fight her back!" She pats my shoulder, proud of what I just did.


Third Person POV:

Standing on the court, filled with grass. small creatures and bushes at the first. Two girls facing each other and many killers watching both of them far away., waiting for the fight to happens between (Y/N) Aphelion and Nurse Ann.  On Nurse Ann's hands, there's a chainsaw with dried blood on them. While at the other hand, the black-haired girl only holding two daggers in both of her hands. The dagger was made out of gold with an antelope as the handle ornament and ancient words as the decorations. It was a gift she got from Cole from the last night. 

Between them, a man with a suit standing and looking at both of them "The rules are fighting  until the other is giving up or already injured badly, you both may begin," he disappeared right after saying those words and the fight began between (Y/N) and Ann. ' Fight!' 'Fight!' 'Fight!' The crowds chanted, some of them were siding with (Y/N) but most of them were siding with Nurse Ann. She smirked as she starts pulling the string of the chainsaw and turning it off in an instant. However, the black-haired girl still looks at the young nurse with disinterest in her eyes. 

"YOU'RE GOING DOWN (Y/N)!!! I'M GONNA DISMEMBER ALL OF YOUR LIMBS!" She shouted, declaring in front of her face.

"Good luck with that then," (Y/N) indirectly mocked her, making Nurse Ann more pissed off than before.

The red-haired girl clenched her teeth and bolting towards the black-haired girl, swinging her chainsaw around and trying to at least get one hit to her opponent. However, all of her swings were missed and the black-haired girl stands on far away, looking at Nurse Ann with a bored glance in her eyes "Is that all you got?" she raised one of her eyebrows, indirectly making fun of her again. Nurse Ann growls and her face was fuming red, like a ticking bomb ready to explode "THAT'S IT!" She hissed and jumped really high, aiming her chainsaw towards (Y/N). 

Her smile was stretched until it touches her cheeks, showing rows of sharp teeth as she wanted the girl in front of her chopped into a half piece. Before she could slam the chainsaw down, a dark shield was protecting the girl from the weapon. (Y/N) closes her eyes for a second and reopen them again, showing her white eyes and the beast mark on her face, proving that she's not a human. Nurse Ann's eyes widened as she backed away slowly "W-who are you?  You're not human....." she tried to act bravely in front of everyone. A cackle escape through the black-haired girl's lips and she shook her head in a fake disappointment "I told you I'm not human.....I'm an enchantress," she spoke. 

Dark magic (Creepypasta x Dark and blood bender! Female! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now