Chapter 15

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A/N: The picture isn't mine because I got it from Deviantart. Credit to the owner, WolfyKICe. Another warning, please read this chapter with caution and do not blame me because this story will contain a gore and cursing. I'm sorry for my grammar mistake again. I'm trying to update this book but kinda still sleepy.



(Y/N) POV:

What the hell???? The door are unlocked by itself?? Oh wait, I just saw a janitor outside with keys in his hands. "KID! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?!?! THIS IS ABANDONED ROOM! IT'S DANGEROUS! YOU LUCKY YOUR SERVICE DOG IN HERE!" The janitor glared at me. I look down "S-sorry sir. I won't do it again." He sighs and shake his head "It's okay. Just be careful next time. I won't tell this to anyone, okay?" The janitor looks at me. I nod and grab Brutus leash, bring him back to the class.


(Y/N) POV:

I rushes out, walking away from the abandoned classroom to my classroom. Brutus looks up to me and nudges his head towards my shaky hands, knowing that I'm scared of what just happened. The question is, why did that the masked woman has a slightly similar voice like Jane. Not only the masked girl but also the clock eye girl also has a same green eyes. The only thing that made it different is the clock on her with a stitches on the side of her lips and the mask with the other killer. However, Jane and Natalie looks normal and I can't judge them too quick. At least i need to spend a few days with them so I can see clearly.

"(Y/N)? Why are you here?" I heard Natalie's voice.

"Natalie??? Jane??" I look up to them.

"Why are you here? I thought we will go to the abandoned class together?" Jane asks.

"Y-you didn't tell me there's a killer!" I defended myself.

"Killer? What do you mean? I was going to there but when when we get there. We saw the Janitor getting angry at you" Natalie tilted her head to the side.

"Yeah, we saw the janitor came up and got angry at you. What happened?" Jane ask.

"I-I got locked and the Janitor has the key," I look down.

"You're lucky the janitor was there. We also got worried because we saw Brutus there too" Natalie says.

"Next time, just go together with us. You will be us. You are our friend" Jane smiles.

I nod and smile at them "Thank you. I'm fine though. What's our next class?" I ask. When I look down to Brutus, he seems.....stiff. I wonder why Brutus seems stiff, as if he is putting his guard up to Jane and Natalie but he's not barking at them at all. Usually, Brutus would bark if in front of me is a bad person. "Next we have Computer lab. You should be our seatmate!" Jane smiles at me. I look at Brutus and then both of them again "Sure, we can be a seatmate...." I smiled and follows them from behind while we are going to the classroom.







Natalie POV:

She looks so happy while talking to Jane about their favorite food. I know certainly Jane favorite food isn't a red velvet cupcake because she never told us. That's a big fat lie but I'm glad that the girl seems to trust every Jane's words even though I know some of them are lies. She didn't watch me typing my phone thankfully. So, I sent some codes and messages with these three dudes. I hope they can kill her and not useless. At least, just injure her a little bit and I will be really glad about it.

I look at the messages that pops out after I sent to the three of them. "What number she will sit at?" One of them asks and I type down that (Y/N) will sit at number 12 because I will sit on the computer number 13 and Jane will be sitting in number 11. After I sent the text back at them, I put my phone back to inside my pocket and put my friendly act again when (Y/N) calls my name. To be honest, I hate when people call my name, it's the reminder of that two bastards. I'm glad I killed the two of them.

(Y/N) POV:

After lunch, the three of us went to the computer lab together and I sat on the exact chair where I sit between Jane and Natalie. An old lady came and introduces herself "Hello student! My name is Mrs. Olivia Anthony. We are going to study about how to do accounting in Excel. First turn on your computer and click the Microsoft Excel". I open the computer and then clicked the Microsoft Excel. Then, I listen to Mrs. Olivia's explanation how to use it. While I was paying attention, I look at the spreadsheet and my eyes widened when there's suddenly weird numbers on it.

The number codes seems familiar but I couldn't pin point what's the code meaning. 'What does this number mean? Why it suddenly appears, I haven't touch my keyboard yet and this suddenly appear.' I thought. My finger pressed on the delete button but it didn't move at all. It only increase more numbers that I don't understand at all. My eyes widened, when the numbers changes from numbers turns into a word. It made me stares at the screen with horror.

'Can you feel the sunshine'

' You're too slow. Wanna try again?'

'Herobrine is watching you'

I heard these three horror stories from people while they were talking about horror games but I though it was only just a mumbo jumbo. Maybe someone is pretending to be them to scare me? I hope so. The computer blinks several times and I almost let out a squeak when I see the screen. There were a scary sight where there's a picture of scary version of Sonic the Hedgehog, Tails and then the scary version of Steve from Minecraft. Before I can react, the screen turns into a glitching screen and a hand appears and shot into my hand. Grabbing my hand tightly as the claw gripping my hand painfully. Making it bleed, it almost pulls me inside.

I didn't know what controlled me but I can feel something painful on my eyes again and the claws that grips me suddenly turns black. The claw lets my hand go as it pulls the hands back to the screen. The screen changes and I see there's standing three males in front of me. I might accidentally hurt the one with fox ears since I just burn his hand with my power, he glares at me with so much hatred after I hurt him.


The screen suddenly changes back after I look at my injured hand. It was kinda deep if I scan my hands again but it was not deep enough where you need stitches. Although, I probably need a thick bandages to cover the back of my hand and wrist. "Y-You're hand bleeding...I'll bring you to the medic bay if you want," Natalie whispers to me. I look up to her and nods. At least Natalie is willing to help me. She stands up "Ma'am. May I bring (Y/N) to medic bay? She injured her hands.." Mrs. Olivia looked at us and nods. She held my non-injured hands and lead me to the medic bay.

~ Cliffhanger ~


Thank you for reading! I hope you like this story!




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