Chapter 41

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A/N: The picture is not mine and is credited to the owner of the picture. If you have watched Jujutsu Kaisen, I think you will know where this is going. Before continuing reading, In This chapter will contain violence, cannibalism, gore, horror, and other triggering stuff that could make you squeamish. Please read this chapter with caution or skip a few chapters because some chapters are very disgusting. Also, I would like to thank you for the six thousand reads and for all of the two hundred votes. Thank you, for reading the short A/N.



Rue's POV:

Black Liquid began sipping from his body as he coughed blood from his mouth before he fall backwards. Raising my scythe, I swung it once again and cut his head off before I got closer to him, crouching down to his level and using my sharp claws to stab his eyes out and pull them away from his eye socket. The last thing I remember after putting it inside my mouth, (Y/N) takes control of her body once again and I snickered after I hear the sound of her gagging from the disgusting taste of that tiny marbles. I can feel myself becoming powerful along with (Y/N) and the power of hardening is inside of us.


(Y/N) POV:

I still remember that Herobrine saved me when I almost drowned in the river even if the stream was really strong and dragged the two of us. Even though he was cold and told me that that was the last time he would save me from drowning, I still want to thank the turquoise shirt killer for saving me but I remember the way he stare at me even if he doesn't have any pupil to show his expression completely.

His eyes were empty and his eyebrows furrowed together and creating a little bit of a wrinkle on his forehead, his lips were pursed together into a thin single line and his arms were crossed which was a clear sign for me that Herobrine still doesn't like me and hasn't changed his mind like the others since I still remember that I did stab Tail's doll hand and he saw the blood seeping out from his hand.

I was a little bit nervous until a white-gloved hand with blood stains on them was placed on top of my shoulder and I can feel the owner of the hand is very cold with zero traces of warmth in it. My eyes move slowly from the ground and my head turned to my right to see it was Tails doll, the killer with fox ears and red gemstone dangling in front of his head. My heart beats rapidly before I step away and look at him with fright as my guards were put up twice than before.

"Uhm...Hi?" I'm still unsure if he's still angry about the stab.

"You're looking at him, huh? Have a crush on Herobrine?" Tail doll smirked. 

Third Person POV:

"N-no! I don't have a crush on him. I just...want to thank him but I don't think I should talk to him because I think he still hates me," (Y/N) was shocked by Tail's words before she admitting the truth that she wanted to thank the white eye killer.

"Uhmmm yeah he's still kind of mad but he doesn't hate you like you think he is because if he really hates you, he wouldn't save you at all. I guess he's more...wary? He still remembers the stab that you gave to my hand and he was the one who stitched the cotton up after E.J helped me with the torn," Tails shrugs.

"Y-yeah....I'm sorry about stabbing your hand," (Y/N) flinched with how Blunt Tails dolls could get.

"...I guess it's alright since you're just trying to defend yourself but if you do that again....You won't see the sunshine anymore," even if was smiling, she knew that it was in fact a threat as she nods a little bit.

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