Chapter 36

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A/N: The picture is not mine and credited to the owner of the picture. If you have watched Jujutsu Kaisen, I think you will know where this is going. Before continuing reading, In This chapter will contain violence, cannibalism, gore, horror, and other triggering stuff that could make you squeamish. Please read this chapter with caution or skip a few chapters because some chapters are very disgusting. Thank you, for reading the short A/N.



(Y/N) POV:

Reaching out of the dining room, there were many creepypastas already eating on their chosen tables, including my seat beside Slenderman and Eyeless Jack. It has my favourite dessert on the side and a plate of Full English Breakfast. It was surprising for me that the breakfast isn't as chaotic as I imagined, they are a killer after all so I expect one of them would pick a fight with each other.

"Greetings, My child. You may sit down," Slenderman greeted me from across the room.


Across from me, the boy with long messy jet black hair is eating with his spaghetti bolognese but I could smell something metallic on it ' better not ask what sauce he uses on his pasta,' I thought as I know it's not a normal bolognese sauce that generally people usually use on it. On my side, Eyeless Jack is eating on some kind of gigantic red bean with red stuff on them, 'That's probably human kidney' I shiver in disgust.

Some of them have normal human food but some of them have questionable strange things on their plate but I'm not going to ask them straight in the face since it seems a little bit rude nor I would judge them, they are killers after all so I would understand if some of them consume human's organs or limbs.

Not paying attention to them, I continue devouring the food on top of the ceramic plate and ignoring the rest who are starting to have a conversation, especially Jane and Clockwork who was talking about killing methods and Jeff with Ben who was talking about the newest horror games that just got published a few months ago. I was only sitting there awkwardly while eating, no one was trying to talk to me at the table.

"Before we are going to go, is everyone ready with the necessities you are going to bring? This is a reminder for all of you, especially you, Jeff," Slenderman glares at Jefferson.

"Whatever," Jeff rolled his eyes, not listening to Slenderman.

"Also, you too Ben," Slenderman looks at the elf with bloody eyes.

"M'kay," He shrugs, playing with his food on the plate.

Even though I know that Ben Drowned is a ghost, I find it a little bit strange that he can eat normal human food but I guess some ghosts have different capabilities. Once I chew the last piece of the food, I take the plate away, bringing it to the sink after throwing some uneaten or not edible part of the food into the trash and cleaning it with dish soap to wash the dirt away.

Soon, many plates, glasses, mugs, and bowls fill up on my side, shocking me and making me jump a little bit. However, my shock immediately turns into annoyance, 'Okay, it's clear that everyone still hates me and trying to show me discreetly but it's too obvious for me' I grumble to myself, glaring at the male proxies except my older brother who only looks at me with guilt. It seems he knew who put all of the plates but he doesn't want to tell in case I want to challenge them.

Dark magic (Creepypasta x Dark and blood bender! Female! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now