Chapter 11

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A/N: Just another warning there will be gore in this chapter so please read this story with caution. If you are squeamish, please don't read this chapter. Also, the picture isn't mine and credit to the owners Srgiancar from twitter.



Masky POV:

We don't really want her to find out and notice our voice behind our mask. Therefore, We only could stand up and escape through the Balcony. Ben and E.J were right, she's really tricky and we couldn't beat her down. Normally, I would be pissed if my victim stronger and beat us down but somehow... I respect (Y/N) more than before. My eyes moved to Hoodie as he pulled his mask away and he has the same expression as mine.....



There was chirping noise and laughter outside from the window. My eyes slowly opened and look at the ceiling, thinking about the recent incident. The two killer seems similar but who? I cannot pin point the masked killers. A sigh escaped from my throat and my nose slowly picking up the scent. My ears also pick the sizzling noise from kitchen. I was silent for a moment and quickly wear the bully slippers as I rush to the kitchen. The sizzling nose were getting louder as smile was written across my lips.

In the kitchen, there's Cole as he's frying the bacon and mashed the potatoes. His eyes move to my figure as he greets me "Good Morning! The breakfast will be done ten minutes, you can take shower first. Tim and Brian asked me if you can go out with them," He says. Why do I have this bad feeling? He notices my gaze and glare at me as he scoffs at me. "You need to go. They both said that they already paid the carnival tickets for you. Don't worry, Jessica will be there with you too." He smiles. I sigh and nods, not wanting to make him more upset than before.

"Fine, I can go together with three of them," I pout.

"Good, besides. It seems that each time you go out alone. There would be danger so I let them go out with you so they both can protect you with Jessica," He smiles.

"Okay, I'm going to go to bathroom," I say as my feet move to the bathroom inside my bedroom. I only take a quick shower as I use a cotton blossom scented soap and shampoo. After cleaning my self, I wear a blue v neck t-shirt with white strips, midnight skinny rip jeans, white handbag and white sneakers. I just want to pull a casual looks, regretting what happened few days ago for wearing wedges. I wear snickers just in case if there's another killer targeting me. I quickly rush to kitchen and sit across Cole after he put the plates down.

The smells was heavenly "Thank you for the food!" I said and we eat together peacefully as I drink a cup of coffee while he was drinking tea.







I got inside the car on the passenger seat right beside Jessica. She smiles at me "Hey (Y/N)!" I greet her back by giving her a sweet smile. "ready to go guys?" Tim asked. We both nods as Jessica smiles happily but I can feel there will be something wrong in this trip. I cannot really trust Tim and Brian. So, I secretly bring a butterfly knifes in my bag. I know it's a bad choice but you can't really bring gun or heavy weapon. The trip was pretty long and I was getting bored so I listen to the music from my phone.

Dark magic (Creepypasta x Dark and blood bender! Female! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now