Chapter 1

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I yawned and goes back to sleep as the dream begins painting on my mind. I don't know why but this Cole dude made me comfortable and he treated me as if he is my dad or brother.

Third Person POV:

As she was sleeping, he kissed her temple gently and left the room to pay the hospital fee. Since he's from noble's son and with his high paid job as a lawyer, he was able to pay for everything she needs in the hospital. He couldn't stand to see his little troublemaker forgot who he is.

If wishes can be granted immediately, he would wish two things. (Y/N) remember who he is and His kind's safety since the war still going on. The war was so big that he thought none of his kind survived the rigid war.


Third Person POV:

On the next day. The young girl was waiting for Cole as she was sitting in the lobby with her backpack on her side and she was holding into the bag so she wouldn't lose it. Her legs kicking slightly as she hummed 'Lullaby for a passing life', a song about someone who slept forever and never waking up after suffering for such a long time. Before she leaves, Cole surprisingly gave her some money for her to buy any snacks she wanted. She bought some biscuits and chips to help her when she's starving such as Doritos, Lays, Nutter Butter and the last one Oreos for the night.

While waiting for the car to come. The black-haired girl took the Nutter Butter out and opened the bags as she ate up the biscuit one by one. The taste from the crackers and the sweet creamer made the girl smiles in happiness while continue humming. Time has passed and a car came up with a loud engine roared up. A honk can be heard as the window opened up showing Cole already waiting for her.

"Get in, kiddo."

Without thinking too much, she hopped in and the car began to drive as the car passed some trees and some buildings or apartments. From outside the window, the black-haired girl could hear children's laughter and the sound of people selling their stuff. Most of them were selling furniture products or stationary for elementary kids.  The sight was calming as everyone was happy and getting friendly with each other.

As she was watching the view, the girl  saw a strange sight from far away as her eyes widened from a shock. She could see a tall figure with tendrils on his back. The figure also wore a black suit with a red tie and her eyes quickly darted away to forget what she had seen. The tall creature made the poor girl uncomfortable and Cole noticed her state where she's getting uncomfortable. 

(Y/N) POV: 

I saw a strange, tall man. He has tendrils or tentacles, he also wore a suit and he doesn't have a face. That strange creature made me uncomfortable as Cole noticed my frowning face and shaky body. I think he's a little bit worry because I could see his eyes getting a little bit soft

"(Y/N)?? Are you okay? You are shaking like a leaf," he was getting worried.

"I-I'm fine. I'm just....worry if the neighbourhood likes me or not," I lied.

"Of course they will! Our neighbour is kind and they are not like those typical fat white boomers who are racist." 

"O-okay," I'm still not convinced but...I'm glad he didn't know that I lied.

"It's okay. Just trust me, I will introduce you to my friend. Jessica and then Jay," he smiled.

"Okay, thank you so much, Cole."

"No problem. By the way, we are here," 












A big or mansion look like a house standing there with pride as four dogs were running around and playing with each other. There are two Pomeranian dogs, One Samoyed and One Dalmatian dog. After stepping out of the car, the dogs were alerted and ran up to me and they began sniffing my scent. Soon, all of them were wagging and attacking me with their slobbers and their happy barks.

"Hahaha. They like you." Cole laughed.

"Pfffft- Who are they?" My face got a lot of slobbers from the dogs. 

"The Pomeranian's are Lulu and Lala since both of them are sisters. The Dalmatian is Brutus and the Samoyed is Max," Cole explained as he began petting their head to show his love. 

This is what I call Heaven. Big house with four playful dogs. I began playing fetch with the dogs as Cole got inside for a moment and then coming back with four bowls of dog food mixed with shredded chicken meat. The dogs came and gobbling their food while I was getting inside the house and putting my belongings in one of the room that I have chosen. 

If I must comment on my bedroom. I would probably mistake it for a hotel room because of how beautiful this room plus the decorations. I put my belonging beside my bed and lay down on the comfy bed. I took one of my snacks in my bag as I opened the Lays bag and devoured my chips. Soon, the bags were filled only with air as I threw them to the bin near the cabinet. Boredom began invading my mind as I sighed loudly. 

The walls colour is grey mixed with white colour and the bed's structure were made from a Mahogany wood that was painted with white colour as there is flower portrait on my left. On the right, there is a nightstand with a small lamp and an alarm clock. Across the bed is the table with a white chair for me to study or doing makeup. Then, on the left of the table are the wardrobes. When I say wardrobes, it's not only one but two wardrobes. 

I am very grateful that this guy named Cole took me and wants to help me around even though I don't remember anything. I just hope I can get my memory soon so I can repay his kindness and learn about my past. Sooner or later, I felt my eyes grow heavy and my mind began wondering as a yawn escaped from my mouth. My eyes slowly covered themselves as I drifted to the dreamland.
~ Cliffhanger ~

Thank you for reading, I hope you like this story!




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