In secret - Haldir

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Warnings: insecurity?
Word count: 1609
Other: -
Requested: no

The visitors that come to your kingdom to wy for your hand have no idea that your heart has already been taken by another.

Your mother helped you braid your hair for the banquet that was going to be held in honor of the visitor that was set to arrive today. You weren't interested in the lightest and kept dragging your feet as your mother tried to convince you to wear the white and gray silk dress, one quite similar to hers.
"Darling, you are the reason he is coming here, you could at least dress the part." You resisted the urge to roll your eyes and slid the dress on, the silk pleasantly cool against your skin.
"I know he is coming here for me, but I don't understand why. I haven't gotten along with any of the previous visitors, why would I get along with this one?" You muttered, but your mother heard you anyway, giving you a stern look.
"Darling, I know that you aren't overly eager of the thought of getting married, but finding a husband would be good for you. Your father and I aren't getting any younger." You did roll your eyes this time and turned to face her.
"That is the worst excuse I have ever heard, naneth. You and father are elves, your age doesn't bother you." Your other hand was propped at your waist and she sighed.
"I know. I just want you to find happiness."
"I know, naneth. I will, eventually. I promise." Little did she know you were perfectly happy already, you just haven't told her yet.

As your mother left to finish the last few details needed for the arrival of the guest, you were left alone in your room. You didn't think it was necessary for you to be cooped up in there, so you rose from your seat and made your way to the door. As you closed it behind you, you allowed the gentle breeze to shift your hair around. The sun was setting, coloring Lothlorien in a warm glow of yellow light. The mallorn trees were in full bloom, the golden flowers adding to the glorious glow of the sunset. You grasped the hem of your dress in your hand and began to walk down the stairs, but you didn't get very far.

You were pulled into a cove in the wall, hidden behind a pillar. Soft lips were on yours before you realized what was going on, but the moment you realized who it was, you returned the kiss with fervor. Your lips danced together gently, your hands rising to rest around his neck. The passion between the two of you made your knees feel weak and dug your fingertips into his jacket to help yourself stay upright. Every ounce of longing and excitement were poured into it, and as you separated, you released a small laugh, out of breath but happy beyond words.

You had been courting Haldir in secret for years now, and your parents had no idea. He pressed a short kiss to your lips, smiling as he took your hand into his.
"You look so beautiful." His voice was gentle as he allowed his eyes to slide along you, and you couldn't help the small blush rising to your cheeks. He was so sweet.
"Thank you. You look very handsome as well." And it was true. His blue jacket was a perfect fit with his grey eyes, making them pop. The pin identifying him as the march warden glowed in the lapel of his coat, and you fought and failed the urge to fix the collar of it.
"I brought you this." He brought a flower out of his jacket, the gentle white petals of the orchid getting a warm glow as the sun reached your hidingplace.
"Oh, it's beautiful." You gasped, taking it from him, placing a small kiss on his cheek as a thank you. You spun it around in your hands, taking in the sweet scent that it released into the air, closing your eyes for a moment to savor it.

As you opened your eyes, you met his eyes, smiling softly.
"Help me tuck it into my hair?" You gestured to your braid, and he nodded, taking it from your hand and folded a part of the stem off, tucking the flower so it was rooted safely there. As he was satisfied with the way the flower was tucked in, he pulled you to his chest. His large, warm hands slid along the silky fabric of your dress. They traveled slowly along your sides, his thumb rubbing gentle patterns as he passed, causing a shiver to rise up your back. They stopped on your stomach, pulling you closer to press your back tighter against his chest. You allowed your head to roll back, closing your eyes as he pressed a gentle kiss to your cheek.

You rested your head on his chest, enjoying being in his presence. You had agreed that keeping your relationship a secret was the best decision for now. Being a princess, the pressure to find a spouse rose year after year, especially as your parents had been talking about stepping down. They didn't want you to have to rule alone. Not that they thought you couldn't do it, they just didn't want you to have to carry alone the burden that was meant on the shoulders of two. They had started inviting other high-born elves of your age into the kingdom, hoping that one of them would catch your eye. Most of them were so boring that you felt like falling asleep in the midst of your first conversations, some were more interested in the prospect of becoming king than marrying you, and some were just rude or thought that being a high-born meant that everyone else was below you. You dismissed all of them, much to your parent's chagrin. Even if they had been nice and respectful, none of them were Haldir. The space of your heart was taken, and no one would be able to take his spot.

Haldir's voice vibrated pleasantly in his chest as he spoke.
"Have you thought about telling your parents about us?" The question caught you off guard, and you turned yourself around in his arms to meet his eyes.
"There is no rush, I just -" he sighed, lifting one of his hands to cup your cheek.
"I just hope that I could be the one to walk with you through the kingdom like your suitors have been doing." You couldn't help but the small smile that rose to your lips.
"Are you saying that you are jealous of them?" You asked, petting his nose with one of your fingers. His cheeks caught a reddening hue, one most probably would have missed, but you spent so much time with him that you caught it instantly.

He didn't respond for a while, he just closed his eyes and released a deep sigh.
"I- I cannot offer you what the visitors can. I don't have a kingdom or gold, all I have is ... me." He felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulder as he was finally able to voice the insecurity that had plagued him for a long time now.
You brushed your nose against his gently, pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth.
"If I wanted an elf who had a kingdom of their own and more gold than they knew what to do with, I would have taken one of the visitors that have been visiting us in the last years." His eyes rose to meet yours, and you smiled.
"You are enough for me, always have been, and no elf, no matter how much land or gold they have, is going to change that. My heart belongs to you, it has for a long time." Haldir felt his breath hitch at your confession.
"I love you too." He responded in a breathy whisper, and you leaned to kiss him. It was so gentle he could barely feel your lips, but the emotion in it made tears seep into his eyes.

You broke apart as horns sounded from the gates to the kingdom, and you sighed deeply, eyes flitting to the door where an elf in full golden armor rode in, so bright that it was almost blinding.
"I suppose I'll have to go to meet him." Haldir smiled at your tone. He helped you straighten your hair, tucking it behind your ear as you made sure your dress was still in pristine condition. With one last, fleeting kiss to his lips, you straightened your back and walked out of the hall and into the light. As the visitor kissed your hand, Haldir didn't feel jealous, as he now knew your heart truly belonged to him. He watched with a smile as you conversed with the elf, seemingly polite, but your eyes kept fleeting into Haldir's cool grey ones.

I don't know why I don't write for Haldir more often, he is so much fun to write for!

This is the last one I had ready when I started posting. And it will be the last one I post in while.
My writing motivation for this book has disappeared completely, so I will be taking a bit of a break from publishing.
Sorry that this is sudden, but my motivation just disappeared on me out of nowhere. But don't worry, I won't be abandoning this book and I will return in a few weeks.
See you!

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