Ducklings 2 - Bilbo

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Warnings: none, I think?
Word count: 1227
Other: -
Requested: no, but the idea by CafinatedAndSleepy

There is another generation of ducklings and Bagginses in the world, and you have a plan to introduce one to another today. But nothing rarely goes according to plan with children, does it?

You ran the brush through your daughters' hair, keeping a hand on her shoulder to keep her from storming off.
"Mama, I wanna go out already." She squirmed, and you stopped brushing, letting out a huff.
"I know you do, but the more you move the longer this is going to take." She stilled at that, and you were finally able to brush her hair and braid it into a simple braid before you released her with a kiss to the top of her head.

You handed Frodo and Silene each a small cup full of peas, gesturing them to follow you.
"Remember, no loud noises or running around, that will scare them." You reminded them one last time, and they nodded, excitement clear on their faces.
"Let's go." The moment the door opened, your children darted outside but froze when they remembered your words. They turned to wait on you, and you gave them a smile, taking Silene's hand, and approached the pond. The weather was warm and the crickets were chirping in the bushes and dozens of butterflies of all the colors of the rainbow were flying from flower to flower, collecting the sweet nectar from within.

You brought the children to the edge and crouched a bit away from the edge, gesturing your children to your sides. They slipped next to you, and you tossed your own handful of peas to June, who started to munch on them happily. Her babies appeared from the reeds, beeping and hurrying to get their share of the food. Their yellow fluff was almost glowing in the sun, and you could see their tiny webbed feet paddling the water if you looked closely. Silene let out a gasp of delight when they appeared, and Frodo smiled. He had fed the ducks before, but this was the first year Silene was old enough to do it and remember something about it. June appeared from the reeds, taking a cautious look around but when she recognized you, she went back to preening her feathers. Silene laughed as she lifted her leg out of the water to get a particularly hard-to-reach spot, and clapped her hands gently when June flapped her wings to settle them back against her sides comfortably.

The children remembered their peas, and walked to the edge of the pond, both digging a full handful out of their cups. Frodo was the first to throw his, the ducklings hurrying to eat, and Silene followed her big brother's lead, throwing her own and watching as the ducklings raced towards them. She giggled as the ducklings fought over the last of the peas, and she threw another handful, eyes glowing with delight as the ducklings dispersed to eat them.
"They are so cute, mama!" She squealed, throwing another handful, eyes bright with joy.
"They are." You agreed, pulling her back from the edge gently.
"Be careful that you won't fall in. It's not very deep but the water is freezing now that summer is only starting." Silene nodded, entranced by the ducks and you sighed, knowing she probably hadn't heard a word you said. You had warned her about the pond before, but she tended to get reckless when she was excited about something.

A sound from behind you caught your attention and you turned to see Bilbo walking through the gate. He had had business in the town hall that had taken him most of the day, but he had promised to be home to help you make dinner. And there he was, a small smile on his lips, hands stuffed into his pockets.
"You're home." You breathed out a sigh of relief, a part of you had feared that he would not make it home in time to help you cook. The meal you had chosen to cook today took a while to prepare, and two cooks would speed up the making to a breeze. You hugged him, glancing over your shoulder to make sure both of the children were still in your eyesight. They were, continuing to feed the ducklings, entranced by the way the little birds flitted around the pond to chase the peas.

After making sure the kids were where they were supposed to be, you turned back to your husband, looping your arms around his shoulders. His rose to your hips, pulling you to his chest as he kissed you deeply. The two of you rarely had time like this where you could just focus on each other, one or two kids always bustling around and needing this or that. But nothing laster forever, and as you pulled away from the kiss, Bilbo looked over your shoulder, his body stiffening at something he saw.
"Silene, not so-"
"-close..." Too late.

The little hobbit had fallen in. Luckily, it was the most shallow part of the pond, one of the reasons you had picked this spot to feed the ducklings from, and she could climb out of the pond mostly without help, prompted by her older brother.
"Get up!" Frodo urged, offering his hand and pulling his sister out of the water as she placed her hand in his. Now Silene was standing on the edge of the pond, looking startled. Her clothes were sopping wet, her hands covered in mud from the bottom as she had caught herself with them to prevent her face from hitting the water.

Frodo started giggling, and to your great relief, Silene started laughing too.
"Mama, I fell in!" She yelled, gesturing to her wet clothes with her muddy hands.
"I can see that, baby. I do remember warning you to not to go too close to the edge. You nearly gave your papa and me a heart attack." She nodded her head, her smile dimming somewhat.
"I know, mama, and I'm sorry. I just didn't notice I was so close. But I'm not hurt." She assured you, tapping her foot against the ground in the puddle that was gathering at her feet from the water that fell from her clothes.

You turned to Bilbo and Frodo.
"Why don't you boys get the food started while me and little miss pond-diver get her changed out of these wet clothes." You tickled Silene and she squealed, hurrying towards the house. Frodo took off after her.
"I'm faster than you!"
"No, you're not!" The two disappeared from sight soon, but you still yelled after them.
"Remember to wipe your feet and Silene, go straight to the washroom!" You weren't sure whether or not they heard you, so you started to follow them back inside. Bilbo grabbed your hand in his and pressed a quick kiss to your lips as you too started to make your way towards the house.

Moooore ducklings!
I wasn't sure where to go with this one but my roommate helped me get on track by suggesting that one of the kids could fall into the pond. So that's what I made happen.

I was supposed to post this yesterday, oops. But here it is now!

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