Help - Legolas

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Warnings: death and bodies, fire
Word count: 1770
Other: -
Requested: nooope

Legolas finds you after your village is destroyed.

Legolas was stunned worldless when he and his party rode into the village. The smoke rising to the sky was dark, some houses were still in flames as some had been reduced into piles of embers and dark, charred wood. The city seemed barren, not a soul moving anywhere. The harsh autumn air blew the already fallen leaves around, their colors went together with the embers that glowed brighter with the breeze. Legolas gestured his troops to follow as he urged his horse forward. It snorted but did as asked, ears turning around in case of danger, the smell of smoke making it nervous.

Legolas was about to give up hope on finding anyone alive when you stumbled into his line of view. Your clothes were sooty and charred, your skin covered in ash, and you were coughing heavily, but you were alive. Your eyes were pleading as you looked up at him and his troops. You were swaying on your feet, your jaw clenched as you fought the pain in your limbs from taking over your body.
"Please, help." You had clearly been in the middle of the smoke, your voice hoarse and rough. Legolas opened his mouth to respond but didn't get to speak as you collapsed into a heap on the ground. Legolas instantly slid off his horse and hurried to you, propping you up against his chest to ease your labored breathing. It was ragged, the effort it took for you to suck in each breath was evident. He could hear the rasp of the air in your lungs, and he knew he had to get you treated quickly or you wouldn't survive. He didn't know why he was so invested in your well-being, maybe because he could see the carnage you had been through.

When you came to you found yourself laying on your bed in a house you didn't recognize. You bolted up, a cough instantly racking your body at the sudden movement, and the events of the last day returned to you in a flash. The raiders, the fire, your mysterious savior,  all of it. You took a closer look at the house you were in and realized that you were in the Big House of your town, in the healing ward. It had been spared from the fire, for the most part. Some sections of the walls were slightly charred but still standing strong. Someone had spread salve on the burns on your hands and arms and had bandaged the wound on your leg. Your throat was still throbbing and your lungs felt like they were on fire, but the rest had been good for you.

"Good, you're awake." You nearly jumped out of your skin at the unexpected voice, sucking in a short breath which caused you to start coughing. You peered through the tears that rose into your eyes as you coughed, trying to look at the newcomer. A rush ran through your body as you realized it was the man that had saved you. He picked up the mug from the small table at the foot of your bed and handed it to you. When you looked inside of it with a suspicious look, seeing the greenish liquid, he let out a huff of laughter.
"I am not trying to poison you. It will help with your throat and ease your cough." With that, you poured the liquid, whatever it was, down your throat. The relief was instantaneous, the coolness of it soothing the burn in your throat. It left behind a pleasant feeling as it slid down to your stomach, a slight tingle could be felt as it settled into your body.
"Wh-Who are you?" You found yourself asking, shifting under the blankets so you could look at him better. He was handsome, that was for sure. Long blonde hair, sharp blue eyes, and a defined jaw.
"I am prince Legolas from the kingdom of Mirkwood." Your eyes widened. A prince? What was he doing in your hamlet? Sure he had more important things to do?
"What are you doing here?" You asked, ending your sentence with a hacking cough that caused you to fall back to bed, your limited amount of strength used up.
"We were riding past when we saw the destruction..." He trailed off, and you could see him thinking about something. You steeled yourself for the question, knowing it was coming.
"If you don't mind me asking, what exactly happened here?"

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