Help 2 - Legolas

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Warnings: falling off a horse (with no injuries)
Word count: 1272 
Other: -
Requested: nope, but the idea for part 2 from Fuzzleskitty

Your and Legolas' relationship continues to develop.

The first rays of the sun peek through the windows of the stables, slipping through the cracks and lighting up the dusty air in a dim, warm glow. You have just finished giving the horses their morning hay, and the stable is filled with the shuffle of the dry straws and the horses chewing, the sweet smell filling the air. You grasp the brush to give the hallway a quick sweep before you start brushing the horses to get them ready for the day. It's been two months since Legolas picked you up from the remains of your city, and you have slowly found your place in Mirkwood.

You were a stablehand now, and you couldn't ask for a better job. Sure, it was taxing and hard sometimes, but you would not want to do anything else. It was what you loved doing, and it was clear to anyone who crossed your path. You sigh happily as you run the brush along with the coat of Captain. He lets out a huff of appreciation as he continues to eat his morning grains, picking out the pieces of carrot expertly with his upper lip. You shake your head at him and pat his croups, having to move on to the next horse.

Your smile fades and you huff as you approach the stall of Arod, his ears already pinned back as he notices you getting closer. You set the bucket of brushes down with a thud, and he throws his head, pawing the ground.
"Oh you know who I am, don't you sneer at me. You can't scare me away and certainly not keep me from brushing you. " You roll your eyes at him, ignoring how he is pawing the ground with his foreleg. He is not going to do anything, he's just showing off in hopes of scaring you away. He's getting bored, standing in the stall, being a horse more used to the battlefield than the comforts of the stables and soft bedding. Your hand disappears into your pocket, and his ears shoot up, clearly curious about what you have in there. You produce a few sugar cubes, and he nickers, reaching his head forward to grab the snacks from your hand. You shake your head as you offer them to him, having learned since the first day that he had only one weakness, and that was anything sweet.

You began brushing him with steady strokes, and slowly, his head dropped as he relaxed. The muscles under your hands were firm but relaxed as you brushed away the specks of dust and hay that had gathered onto his grey coat since yesterday. He stayed mostly still until you finished, his coat soon clean and shining as a healthy horses' should. 

You peeked over the wall of the stall when you heard footsteps, and you were pleasantly surprised when you saw Legolas enter. As he stepped into the stables, the change that happened in Arod was immediate. His ears shot up, head rising high, muscles tensing as he gathered himself up. Legolas rarely visited the stables, being busy, and when he did, it usually meant he was heading out for a ride. Arod knew this and began pawing the ground. He threw his head, almost hitting you, and you slapped his shoulders to remind him that you were still in the stall.
"I am sure that Legolas will take you out but I would greatly appreciate it if you didn't crush me while I am still here." You slipped out of the stall and greeted Legolas with a smile as he pets the silky muzzle of his horse.
"He give you trouble?" He gave the horse a pointed look, knowing that he was not the easiest horse to handle, he had gotten complaints from many grooms about stomping on toes or teeth marks where they didn't belong. You shrugged and tapped Arod's neck before you exited the stall.
"Not more than usual." Legolas hums, amused, and gives Arod a look.
"I know you are bored but you must stop tormenting the people who take care of you." Arod just throws his head and shoves Legolas with his head, making him stagger.
"I will get your tack, try and contain yourself." The elf mutters, walking away and returning soon with the saddle resting on his arm. Arod is still as a statue now, knowing that he will get out soon and the stiller he is, the faster the saddle is in place.

"Want to join me?" Legolas asks as he hoists the saddle up, smoothing the saddle pad over so it's not crumpled.
"I have work." You remind him softly, but you would love nothing more as you have been cooped up in the kingdom for too long.
"You always have work. The horses are fed and brushed. So, as far as I can see, you are free to join me." You don't waste time arguing, fetching Captain's bride and slipping it on with ease, the large stud helping you by lowering his head. He has spent most of his time in the stables, he is too heavy and slow for the patrols the guards take. So he spends most of his time in the stalls, sometimes teaching the youngest elves in the kingdom the secrets to riding due to his calm temperament.

Arid bucks once, twice, three times. Legolas, who still has the reins held in a relaxed manner in his hands, is not prepared for it. He flies of in a long arch, and lands with a somersault, the time in the air giving him the time to prepare for the approaching ground. Arod spins around on his back legs, and his hooves strike the ground against Legolas as he sets off, tail flying high.

Captain gives out a huff and shakes his head, pawing the ground with his foreleg. You pat his neck with your hand, knowing that he won't storm off with his almost icy temperament of a work horse. You peer down onto Legolas as he lifts himself off the ground, and dusts his clothes off. He's not injured, mostly annoyed, trying to hide his embarrassment from you.

You extend your hand down to him, wordlessly telling him to climb on. Your stomach fills with butterflies as he settles onto Captain's back behind you. You try and fight the blush that rises to your cheeks as Legolas tightens his hands around your waist. You are sure your heart is ponding so loudly that he can hear it as you ushure Captain into a steady trot, heading off into the direction where Arod had disappeared into.

Little do you know, Legolas is feeling similar to you, his hands crowing sweaty in your proximity, the scent of you, fresh hay and crisp apples, shafting to his nostrils and making his head swim. 

For those of you who are wondering Captain is inspired by a finnhorse!

The first book of oneshots is now moved to ArchiveOfOurOwn in its entirety if you wish to read my works there. I am working on transferring this second book as well. But don't worry, they'll stay here as well. 

I haven't had the motivation or time to write, and we'll see if it returns to me soon. I hope that summer will bring me at least somewhat of a motivation, but only time will tell. I miss writing like crazy, but I just can't find myself wanting to do it nowadays. 

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