Injuries - Eomer

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Warnings: Eowyn calls Eomer a coward, but other than that, none
Word count: 1175
Other: -
Requested: nope

Eowyn reaches her last nerve with his brother and his fumbling around you and decides to confront him.

You held in a sigh, shifting the jar of healing salve in your hand as the man corrected his position on the bed yet again.
"My lord, please sit still." You pleaded as Eomer shifted again, trying to avoid the salve you were trying to spread on his wounds.
Eomer was one of the most stubborn patients you had ever had the pleasure of treating. He was also one of the most handsome ones, but that was not important.
"I know it stings, but an infected wound is worse." You explained patiently, trying to keep the smile that was tugging at the corner of your mouth hidden. It amused you that the crown prince was acting like a child. But he had always been like this. You had been treating him for two years now, ever since as you had just suddenly been appointed as his private healer one day. You had been surprised but had taken to the job immediately. Eomer wasn't the easiest patient to treat, but he was pleasant company and understood that your work took time.

Eowyn entered the room, and Eomer stiffened. You took the opportunity to spread the salve onto his wounds, ignoring the hisses of pain or discomfort he was letting out. He leaned away slightly, but you didn't let it bother you, and continued spreading the salve. It might be hurting now, but it would be nothing compared to the pain of an infected wound and the salves that were used to treat those.
"He is being difficult again?" Eowyn asked, and you gave a shy nod, wiping your hands clean into your apron before closing the jar with a snap and standing up.
"Not any more than usual, and we are finished now. Te wounds should heal in a week or so. If they don't or if they start to itch, ooze something or turn pinkish, you come to see me immediately. Not in the morning, not the next day, immediately." You emphasized your words heavily, locking eyes with him. He nodded, pulling the shirt over his head. You chased the disappointment that flashed in your mind when his rippling muscles disappeared behind the fabric, and you shook your head slightly and forced your focus back on your job.
"Repeat what I just said, please." You asked, resisting the urge to prop your hands on your hips. You felt like a mother trying to get their child to understand something, but you would never admit it out loud.
"If it hasn't healed in a week, I'll come and see you." He responded, and you nodded, urging him to continue.
"And if it starts itching or. Or..." You sighed and turned your head towards him, resisting the urge to rest your hands on your hips. Had he not heard anything you had just said?
"Or turns pinkish or starts oozing something." You prompted him to repeat after you and he did. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Eowyn holding in a laugh without quite succeeding, her shoulders shaking slightly.

After bidding you goodbye as you already hurried towards your next patient, the two left the room. Eowyn gave a small slap into Eomer's shoulder.
"I don't know which of you is more oblivious, you or her!"
"I don't know what-"
"Do not finish that sentence, it is clear to everyone except her that you like her so much that your brain stops working when you are around her!"
"It does not!" Eomer died denying it, but he already knew that he was fighting a losing battle.^
"You couldn't remember the symptoms she told you to watch out for. after she had just spelled them out for you." Eowyn reminded patiently, although the smile on her face was getting wider by the minute, amusement clear in her words.
"It was a long list!" He tried hurriedly, only realizing after the words had escaped his mouth how ridiculous they sounded.
"It was three things, Eomer." Eowyn had now burst into laughter, and Eomer gave his sister an exasperated look.

Eomer stared at his sister, biting his cheek as she continued to howl in laughter. Once she finally stopped laughing, she placed her hand on his shoulder, turning him to look towards her.
"Brother, I have watched you pine for her for years now. If you want to know if she feels the same, which I assure you she does, you'll have to talk to her! I hoped that getting her appointed as your private healer would help, but it has somehow made things worse!  You'll have to say something to her, she won't be single forever. " Eowyn reminded her brother, who rubbed the back of his neck.
"I know! But every time I try to tell her, it feels like the words get stuck in my throat!"
"Well I can't help you if you have suddenly turned coward, you'll just have to pluck up the courage and say something!" Eowyn heaved, at wit's end with her brother. It was unfathomable how he could fight orcs and other creatures without the smallest inkling of fear, but when it came to women, he was hopeless.
"Just... Pick some flowers, give them to her, and ask her for a walk!" Eomer didn't say anything, he just stood up, and walked out the door. For a moment she feared that she might have gone too far, but then he saw the determined look in his eyes as he headed outside the gates, no doubt to pick some flowers.

Eowyn watched from the distance as Eomer presented you the small bouquet of wildflowers. You accepted them graciously with a shy smile, and something Eomer said prompted a laugh out of you. You stood up on your toes, pressing a kiss to his cheek before you took the arm he was offering and you walked down the small incline together, clearly already engrossed in conversation. Eowyn smiled, watching as the two of you disappeared from sight.

I'm back! I hope all of you had a great end of the year, and are heading into the new year with cautious optimism!

I will be opening requests on the 5th of January! So you have plenty of time now to think of a request and/or remind yourself of the request rules if you already have an idea!
I have not yet decided whether I will take the first requests or do I choose the requests into the line, but the requests are opening!
Maybe I'll take a few of the fastest and then choose a few of my favorites as well. Does that sound fair?
I will post a new chapter into this book when the requests open, and I will post a notification to my wall in addition to editing the description of this story.

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