Home at last - Thranduil

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Warnings: none, just fluffyyyy fluff
Word count: 1496
Other: -
Requested: by Nix202

You return from your journey to a meeting in Erebor, and your son and husband are there to greet you upon your return.

You sighed deeply as you slid off your horse, your back and legs aching for traveling on horseback for hours. Aeris pushed you with her head, almost knocking you off balance as you had not been paying attention. You let out a small laugh, knowing what she wanted. You scratched her from the root of her mane where you knew she liked, causing her to huff in delight. When you stopped, she pawed the ground with her foreleg, not wanting you to stop, but you knew she was tired. You handed her reins to a stable boy who had appeared in the doorway. You have him a small smile as a thank you as he took your horse to the stables, patting her neck as they went. You sighed, looking around. Guards were preparing to leave for their patrol in the forest, they were gathering their armor and weapons as the commander divided them into suitable teams.

A smile rose to your lips when you heard the pitter-patter of approaching little feet. You dropped your bag off your shoulder as your son stormed through the doorway, his arms extended towards you.
"Naneth!" You turned just in time as Legolas flung himself at you, colliding with your legs.
"Naneth, you're home!" He squealed, jumping up and down while holding onto the fabric of your pants.  You scooped him into your arms, pressing him close to your chest in a tight hug. It was so good to be home, you had missed him terribly.
"I am, lasdithen (little leaf)." You tickled his sides, and he giggled as he buried his head into your chest. His arms were squeezing you as hard as he could, his hands tightly wound into the fabric of your jacket. You pressed a kiss to his forehead, breathing in through his hair, taking in the scent that was just pure home.
"Have you been behaving?" You asked him even though you knew the answer. Legolas had a tendency to get into trouble, even without trying.
"Yeees." His answer wouldn't convince anyone, and you gave him a feigned stern look before tickling him again. He squealed and tried to slip away from your hold, but you didn't let him fall.
"I'll have to ask your father about that."

Right on cue, your husband entered the hall, his long silvery coat trailing behind him.
"Legolas, I think I remember telling you to wait for me."
"Sorry, ada, I just wanted to see naneth and I didn't want to wait." Thranduil sighed but didn't say anything else, just met your eyes. Legolas squirmed in your arms and you placed him down, and he stormed over to the wall to investigate something.
"Ithildin nín (my moonsparkle), I am happy that you are home." He wrapped his arms around you, bringing you tightly against his chest. After pressing a short kiss to your lips, he rested his forehead against yours as he closed his eyes.
"I am happy to be home." You responded, closing your eyes as well, just enjoying the presence of your husband for a moment.

The moment was cut off when Legolas almost knocked over a vase but was able to scurry and correct its position before he stormed towards the opposite wall and the specks of sunlight that danced on it. You let out a small laugh as your gaze followed your son dart around the room, trying to hit the specks of light.
"How was the gathering? Were there any important decisions made?" Thranduil asked, his voice tight, and you shook your head, your eyes solemn. You had ventured off to a meeting in Erebor to decide about a few things, such as the growing threat of Angmar.
"The gathering was quite uneventful, there weren't many decisions made. Thror spent most of the time spewing threats." Your tone was tired as Thranduil shook his head, the dwarven king was becoming more paranoid as time progressed. It had been one of the reasons he hadn't wanted for you to go alone, but you had assured him, time and time again that you would be alright. He hadn't been able to attend because of another meeting taking place in Mirkwood around the same time, and he had been forced to remain behind to host it.

A loud 'BANG' caught your attention and you turned to see Legolas hoisting the tall metal candleholder back to the table, the weight of it making his arms shake. You almost jumped to help him, but Thranduil stopped you. It took him a few tries, but he managed to lift it back into place, and he looked quite pleased with himself when he did. You picked up your bag and fished out a small wooden figure of a moose, hiding it behind your back.
"Legolas! Come here." You called, and he ran to you, sliding to a stop, colliding softly into his father's leg.
"Look what I have for you." Your tone was light and you saw Legolas' eyes light up as he tried to peer behind your back where you were hiding the moose.
"Show meee, naneth!" He whined, tugging at the hem of your jacket.
"Should I? Or should I give it to your ada instead? He has no toys of his own." You rubbed your chin as you pretended to think it over, Legolas practically vibrating, not wanting to wait anymore.
"No, ada is a grown elf. He doesn't need toys. I am little, I need it." He tugged at the sleeve of the arm that was holding the toy behind your back.
"Can I have, it, pleeeeeeeease naneth? Pleeeease?" You relented as he was looking at you through his lashes, his large blue eyes pleading.
"Here you go, since you asked so nicely." Legolas let out a squeal and raced towards the hallway, yelling behind him as he went.
"Thank you, naneth!" His words faded as he disappeared into the hall, probably on his way to introduce his new stag to the other elk toy he already had.

As the two of you watched him race away, Thranduil shook his head, letting out a soft laugh. His arms wound themselves around you, bringing you to lean against his chest.
"You spoil the boy."
"I am defenseless when the salespeople surround me! I cannot help but think about Legolas and how adorable he looks while playing with his toys." You raised your arms up in surrender, trying to make him understand that you were helpless against the charms of the multiple people selling toys. He shook his head, pressing a kiss to your forehead as he let out a small laugh.
"And yet you never bring anything to me." His tone was teasing, and you gave his shoulder a gentle shove, matching your tone to his as you placed your hand on your chest in mock insult.
"I thought that my safe return would be a gift enough for you, but it seems that I have been deceived." You tried to shift out of his embrace, but his arms tightened around you, and he pressed a kiss to the crown of your head.
"It is. Being in your presence is a gift." He pressed a kiss to both of your cheeks.
"Getting to kiss you is a gift." A short kiss was pressed on your lips.
"You loving me is a gift." You were twirled around and dipped before he kissed you deeply, every ounce of the love he had for you pouring through the kiss.

"Naneth, naneth, look what  I- EWWWW!" The two of you separated when the sound of your son's voice pierced the air. When you turned to look at him, you almost burst out laughing. He was standing in the doorway, his face twisted into a frown, a paper clutched tightly in his hand.
"What did you draw, darling?" You asked, turning in Thranduil's arms so you were facing Legolas. He ran to you and you scooped him up, watching intently as he showed you the drawing.
"It's us!" He squealed, his previous disgust forgotten, a broad smile on his lips now.
"It's beautiful!" You praised.
"What are we doing?" Thranduil asked, pointing towards the little figures drawn on the paper.
"We're playing tag!" Legolas sprung into an explanation about everything that was happening on the paper, and you smiled at Thranduil over your son's head, sharing a quick kiss with him before returning your attention to your son

This one was soo much fun to write, and I really didn't have any issues with it. I came up with quite a few ideas of my own while writing this, and I have stretched out a few of them, so they will probably be coming out soon too!

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