Rose thorns - Thranduil

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Warnings: small wounds, minuscule mentions of blood, overprotective and very worried Thranduil
Word count: 1016
Other: -
Requested: nope

You injure yourself working in the garden. You think nothing of it, but your husband is sure you are dying.

You were in the garden, working on the rose bushes like you tended to do. You plucked the dead leaves off the plant, throwing them into the bucket that you had brought with you, already half full with leaves and weeds that you had pulled off the ground. You knew you didn't have to do this, being the queen and all, that a servant would be more than happy to take over, but you enjoyed your time in the garden. You could just be you, forget all about the troubles and responsibilities that came with ruling a kingdom. You could just immerse yourself into the plants and work until your neck was sore and your knees were hurting. It was hard work, but that was why you enjoyed it. Your husband was extremely protective and didn't allow you to exit the kingdom to go on patrols. Not that you particularly wanted to, but most days you just missed the ability to do something.

You moved onto the last bush of roses in the garden, your favorite. It had large, blood-red blooms and dark leaves that worked in perfect contrast. You got to work on removing the dead leaves off the plant, as well as the fallen petals of blooms that had reached their end. This plant didn't need much work, and you reached in to retrieve the last dead leaf. You weren't paying enough attention to where the thorns of the plant were.

You hissed in pain and pulled your hand back from the depths of the plant, inspecting your wound. It was a long, thin scrape, a small about of blood seeping out of it, but not enough for you to worry about it now. You reached for the leaf again, were able to retrieve it without incidents this time.

- - -

You walked into the throne room just in time to see Thranduil send out a patrol. They stepped out of the way, allowing you to pass before making their way out of the room, bulling the heavy wooden door closed behind them.
"Eithel nín (my spring). I was not expecting you until later." He greeted you, eyes softening as they ran along your body, no doubt seeing the soil dusting your stomach and the few leaves you had not managed to pluck off your clothes. You approached him with a smile, humming in delight as he leaned in to press a kiss onto your cheek.

You lifted your hand up to try and brush a strand of hair behind his ear, but you couldn't as he stilled, and turned adruptly.
"My love, what has happened to your hand?!" Your husband hurried over and grasped your hand into his, bringing it closer to his face to inspect your wound. The scrape left by the rose thorn was still there, still bleeding slightly, but you had already forgotten about it. It would stop bleeding eventually and it was not deep.
"I scraped it while gardening, it will heal." You assured him, gently pulling your hand from his hold.
"Have you been to the healers?" The panicked tone of your husband made you turn around to meet him, and you were surprised (and slightly amused) by the worry in his eyes.
"I do not need to see the healers. It is a scrape, nothing more, I will clean it before I go to bed." You turned on your heel to leave the room, planning to find your son and discuss the patrols for the evening, but you were hoisted off your feet before you could make it two steps.

You yelped in suprise as you were now in the arms of your husband and he started to carry you towards the healer's ward with determined steps.
"Thranduil! I do not need to see the healer, I am perfectly fine!" You huffed, pushing his chest with your free arm, your other trapped between your bodies.
"You are injured, I will not hear arguments about this anymore!"
"It is a scrape, I will not die from it!" You pressed your forehead against his chest in exasperation, starting to reach your breaking point with your husband's dramatics. On the other hand, you were greatly amused by his worry, as it truly was just a scrape and it had now already stopped bleeding.

You could see the healer holding her laugh as you presented your wound as Thranduil insisted. You gave her a look and shook your head, knowing that he would not let you leave the healing ward before you would receive treatment for your "wound". Shaking her head, the healer went and retrieved a jar, and brushed a finger's worth of paste onto it, covering it completely.
"There, it's all better. Can we please head to bed now?" You deadpanned as you presented your wound to him, and he nodded, his eyebrows drawn into a frown.

You made to stand up from the bed but you were once again swopped off your feet, making you wrap your hands around his neck in fright.
"I do believe it is only right that I carry you to bed after I dragged you all the way down here." You could see the worry in his eyes dying and being replaced with playfulness.
"I do suppose so, after all, I am terribly injured and I am not sure whether or not I would have been able to make the journey." You sighed dramatically, dropping your head to rest against his shoulder. You felt his chest vibrate with a laugh before he pressed his kiss to your lips, loving and gentle.

Got my third C shot today, I'm hoping that I would get too bad side effects.
Requests are coming along nicely, I only have three more to finish until I will probably open the line again, so if you are interested, keep an eye out!

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