Efficient - Thorin

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Warnings: none, just Dís being a boss
Word count: 1118
Other: -
Requested: nope

Inspired by a Tumblr post:
"AU where Dís recruited her own company of 13 dwarrowdams and reclaimed the mountain first because she did not piss everyone off along the way and she knows how to read a map."

Thorin and the company had finally arrived at Lake Town, the cold drizzle of rain making them cold to their bones. They had hoped to find a place to rest and maybe get a hot meal here. They had expected the people to be unwelcoming and cold when arriving, but what they had not expected was that the city would be desolate. Not a soul anywhere, anything of value gone, only a few boats here and there. All the houses were empty, beds without linens, the stoves and fireplaces cold and unlit.
"What has happened here?" Balin wondered out loud, and Dwalin kicked a bucket over in search of something, maybe answers.
"I don't know," Thorin answered darkly, looking around.
"There is no blood or bodies, so I don't think they were attacked by anyone. It seems that they have just... Packed up and left." Balin hummed in agreement, stroking his beard, deep in thought when Fili and Kili came sprinting down the hill they had been keeping look-out from.
"There are people in Dale!"
"And Smaug is lying dead on the opposite shore of the Lake!" The two were speaking atop of each other, and Thorin was having trouble understanding what they were saying, but when he heard Smaug's name, he hurried up the same ledge his nephews had all but rolled down from a moment ago.

They were right, the enormous carcass of the once magnificent dragon was laying on the shore, its eyes dark and body unmoving. There were fires lit all over Dale, plumes of smoke rising to the air as people cooked and celebrated. But what really shocked Thorin was that the torches or Erebor were burning.
"Someone is at the mountain." At that, the company packed their belongings as one and headed to the few boats floating along the opposite shore, now determined to head to the mountain and see who had robbed their ancestral home from under their noses.

- - -

The answer was not anything they had been expecting, as once they stepped in, they were greeted by the one face that they had definitely not expected to see there.
"Darling." You purred as you embraced your husband, who was, for once, too shocked to speak.
"I was wondering when you and your company would be arriving." You pressed a kiss to his cheek and let out a giggle at his dumbfounded look before turning to the company.
"You are probably wondering what I am doing here." The group agreed in unison, staring at you like you were some sort of apparition, and not real.
"It has something, or rather everything, to do with me."

Another dwarrodam stepped out of the shadows, causing Fili and Kili to perk up.
"Amad!" They rushed to their mother, embracing her in a tight hug as she laughed.
"My boys." She cooed as she squeezed them tightly in return, drowned in the torsos of her sons, who were both taller than her. When she released them, she turned to her brother, who was still staring at everything that was happening, not being able to say a word.
"Now, brother, I have never seen you stuck so speechless."

Thorin seemed to be pulled out of his haze by her words, and he shook his head violently, looking from you to his sister.
"How in Mahal are the two of you here? I told you to stay home!" You and Dís glanced at each other before she turned to her brother, her hands on her hips.
"As you would not allow us to join your company, I went and gathered my own. Y/N was the first to join."
"No but's Thorin, the fact is that I did it and we managed to get to the mountain before you."
"I gathered the dwarrodams that wanted to join me, and we ventured on our journey. Only we didn't waste time arguing with everyone on our way, we headed along the route that seemed the safest and not so littered with danger, unlike your group. We kept our route efficient." Thorin was stuck speechless again, a record of some sort. You grasped his hand and pulled him to follow you, urging the rest of the company to follow.
"Come now, we have much to celebrate!"

- - -

Everyone was enjoying themselves, the ale was flowing from the taps and the platters of food that were brought out didn't last long. The companies of Dís and Thorin were comparing their journeys, swapping stories of the perils along the way, describing the battles. Fili hit it off immediately with one of the younger dwarrodams in your company, and you and Dís shared a look when you saw the two engrossed in a deep conversation in one of the corners of the room.

You were listening to the story Balin was in the middle of telling when you felt yourself be pulled aside by a familiar pair of arms. You met Thorin's blue eyes, an eyebrow raised in question as he pulled you away from the crowds.
"I was listening to the story, you know." You pointed out but still allowed him to wrap his arms around you, welcoming the embrace. It had been a long while since you had been in the arms of your husband, and it felt good.
"I know, and I do apologize darling," he whispered against your ear, "but I can tell you the exact same story when we head to bed." You let out a laugh and swatted his shoulder.
"You need to learn how to behave, especially if you and I are meant to be King and Queen."
"Well, we have still time. Maybe when the coronation is, there will be news of a prince or a princess." This earned him another swat to his shoulder.

I had the post pinned in my Pinterest board for ideas for a while now, and now that I went through it while looking for ideas, I ran across it and knew I had to write it out.

Where do you keep your writing ideas stored?
I have (too) many places. I have a Pinterest board (or actually two) and then I have a OneNote folder for ideas and story snippets. But the one that I use most is a simple note document on my phone, it has ideas for a multitude of fandoms, but mostly Tolkien.

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