Another one - Thranduil

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Warnings: mentions of making babies (barely there), childbirth
Word count: 2000 
Other: this one has quite a lot of time skips but please bear with me.
Requested: noope

The journey of you and Thranduil having a second child. From the moment you started to think about it to telling Legolas, all the way to the birth and Legolas meeting his younger sibling.

You flinched every time Legolas' sword collided with someone else. Thranduil twined his fingers in between yours, giving your palm a reassuring squeeze. Legolas had started his weapons training two months ago, and you were still having a hard time seeing him fighting, even if it was with wooden swords and with an experienced teacher who had done this for countless years. "You do not need to worry about him so much, he is safe with them. The weapons are made of wood."
"I cannot help worrying, he is my only child."
"He doesn't have to be." You stiffened and slowly turned around to meet your husband's eyes.
"Are- Are you thinking about having another one?" Your eyes were lit up with hope as they met his. 

Thranduil smiled softly, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. You had been trying to persuade your husband into having another baby for so long.
"I have been thinking about it, yes. I realized that I was against the idea because I was afraid, but I realized I was afraid for no good reason." You stared at him for a long while without saying anything before you lunged at him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. Your lips found his, and you kissed him deeply. As you pulled away, Thranduil was alarmed to see the tears brimming in your eyes.
"What is it, did I hurt you?" His voice was frantic as he checked you over, eyes darting over your body in a frantic rhythm.
"No, no. I... I'm just happy." You muttered, leaning in to press another kiss to his lips, this one short and sweet.

A few months later, you closed the door of the healer's ward behind you, a bright smile on your lips. Pregnant. You were pregnant. After months of trying, it had finally happened. You were going to have another little elfling running around the kingdom. Your hand landed on your belly where you knew the beginnings of your another child rested, safe and sound from the horrors of the world. 

You were beyond thrilled and set towards the throne hall immediately. You blew into the throne hall, showing the doors open with such enthusiasm that they almost hit the walls.
"Thranduil, I have the most wonderful news!" You cried out with joy, hurrying towards his throne and dismissing the guards with a flick of your hand. 
"We are going to have a baby!" You jumped at his neck the moment you reached him, and he wrapped his arms around you, spinning you in a circle. When he placed you back on your feet, your heart warmed when you saw his expression. It was filled with so much happiness that it was almost suffocating, and he leaned closer to give you a deep kiss on your lips. 

When you pulled away for breath after the dizzying kiss, neither of you spoke for a moment. You just stood there, immersed at the moment. No words were needed, the both of you knew what the other was feeling.
"How are we going to tell Legolas?" You asked, and Thranduil let out a laugh but didn't get the chance to speak as the ellon in question darted out of the shadowy alcoves, sliding to a stop in front of you. 
"I'm going to be a big brother?" His voice was breathless with joy, his eyes shining. You scooped him up and ticked his sides.
"You are! You are going to be the best big brother there has ever been!" Legolas giggled and squirmed to get away from your hold. 

- - -

You laid on your back on your bed, propped up with dozens of pillows as Legolas was sitting next to you, a focused look on his face.
"When will they get here?" Legolas was resting his hand atop your swollen belly, the little elf inside kicking under his touch.
"A few more months." You answered patiently as he moved his hand into a different spot so he could feel the kicks better.
"I can't wait to play with them." Legolas was smiling brightly and you ran your hand over his hair.
"I know, but in the beginning, they will be too little to play with you, you remember that?"
"Yes! They will be very small and sleep most of the day, ada told me. I have to be careful and quiet."
"Exactly." You pressed a kiss to his forehead, smiling as he leaned closer to your belly.
"Can I read them a book?" He asked, and as you nodded, he hurried to the bookshelf to pick out one. You had no doubt in your mind on what he was about to choose, and you were right, it was 'The elf and the dragon'. You could probably remember it without the book by now, you had read it to him so many times. You smiled as Legolas opened the book and leaned closer to your belly.
"In a small town in the west, there lived and elf. He was no royalty, but an ordinary blacksmith with plenty of duties to fill his days..."

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