Join in bed - Kili

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Warnings: none, just fluffety fluff
Word count: 811
Other: -
Requested: nope

Kili returns home from a day's work and finds a clean home but you are nowhere in sight.

Kili greeted the people that he came across on his way back home, stopping to answer a few small questions along the way, guiding the bigger ones to someone else. He had spent most of his day helping his uncle with everything from orders of quills to plans in defense, battle, and evacuation if another dragon thought to take Erebor over again. It had not been a physically hard day, but his head felt like it weighed a ton as he trudged towards the small residence he shared with you. You had been married for almost a year now, coming onto 11 months now, but neither his mother nor Thorin had spared their breath when they had begun hinting about children. You had taken it in stride, but when the two of you had reached the privacy of your house that evening, you had revealed to him that you wanted children, not just quite yet. You wanted to keep working in the forges for a while longer, the projects on your desk piling up and calling to you. He had agreed gladly, knowing that there was plenty of time to have children later. Now, the two of you could just focus on your jobs and each other.

Rolling his shoulders, Kili grimaced as the muscles screamed in protest as he had been hunched over his desk for most of his day. But he knew they would not get any reprieve tomorrow as it was time for sword practice, and Dwalin did not take kindly to complaints about everything, but especially stiff necks because of paperwork. He could only imagine the look the old warrior would give him if he tried to skip training and use it as a reason.

Kili slipped into the house, making sure to be careful when closing the door so as not to wake you. He softened his movements and slowly slipped off his boots, making sure not to drop them when he placed them next to the door so he would not track mud around the house. He could see the shine on the floorboards and knew that you had spent the entire day cleaning, he could smell the soap you had used. The whole house smelled fresh, and he realized that there were new curtains hanging in the windows too, the brighter patterns jumping out, just as did the tablecloth. He realized you must be getting ready for spring, now as the snow had finally started to melt and the sun is peeking out of the clouds more regularly.

The house was still and silent, and when Kili entered your shared bedroom, he saw you sleeping right in the middle of your bed, buried deep under the blankets. He slipped through the door and closed it behind him, flinching as the hinges squeaked in protest. But you didn't wake, just shifted under the blankets and buried your nose deeper into the softness. He let out a breath of relief and hurried for a quick wash so he could join you in bed.

You awoke when the bed shifted, and you lifted your head, bleary and half asleep but smiled sleepily as you saw Kili laying down next to you.
"I tried so hard not to wake you." He sighed and pressed a kiss to your hairline, brushing your hair out of your face as he coaxed you to lay back down.
"But then I wouldn't be awake for you to tell me about your day." You pouted, but it quickly turned into a yawn as you returned your head to the pillows at his insistence.
"I can tell you about my day tomorrow. You should sleep now, I saw that you have been productive today.
"That I was, but that does not mean that I cannot listen to you tell me about your day. Tell me, I want to", your sentence was cut off by another yawn, "hear."
"Kili, tell meee." You shoved his shoulder, and he relented, pulling you to rest on his shoulder as he began his tale. Nothing interesting had even happened, but he still covered every event the smallest detail of his day to you, not leaving out anything, even after your breathing had deepened and you had fallen asleep again.

OMG, I am finally back. So sorry for my break, I did not just feel like writing, at all. Also, the school has been crazy for the past few months, but it's slowly easing up now.

I'll think about requests if I get back on a more regular writing schedule! But I really hope I do because my motivation is rising.
And btw, merry Christmas if you celebrate it!

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