Sweet relief - Lindir

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Warnings: nightmares
Word count: 1143
Other: -
Requested: helix-chan

You have a nightmare, and Lindir is there to comfort you.

The night in Rivendell was calm, the wind just barely grazing the grass with its presence, causing the blades to dance as it blew by. The sky was clear of clouds, countless stars decorating it. The moon, almost full and bright, illuminated the white buildings, giving them a silvery hue. The dew that had gathered onto the leaves of plants and trees was also bathing in the silvery light, making it seem like the stars had rained down from the sky and landed on the shining green surfaces. It was a peaceful and calm night, nothing seemed to move in the kingdom, even the birds that normally flew around had deemed this a good time to rest.

So when Lindir woke up in the middle of the night, he wasn't sure why. At first, he thought it was the cold light of the moon that filtered through the curtains, but he soon realized it had been you. You were whimpering, clutching the covers in your hands like your life depended on it, your knuckles turning white from your tight hold. Your brow was set into a frown as you shifted on the bed, clearly plagued by whatever you were dreaming about. Lindir set his hand on your shoulder, trying to soothe you, and it worked momentarily. But soon you let out a cry that pierced the calm night, a tear rushing down your cheek as you jerked around on the bed, your whimpers gathering more strength.

Lindir shifted his hand on your shoulder, hoping it would bring you out of your unpleasant dream, but it didn't. Your eyes remained closed and your brow was still pulled into a tight frown. He gave your shoulder a small shake, but you still refused to wake, a whimper falling from your lips instead.
"Y/N." He whispered gently, shaking you again. When that too failed to rouse you awake, he tried again, louder this time. You remained asleep, the nightmare seemingly having a tight hold on you. Your whimpers gathered volume, as you started to move around the bed more, your brows drawing into a tighter frown. When you released the first cry, Lindir couldn't stand seeing you like this anymore, terrified and in so much clear distress, and he knew he had to wake you.

He finally managed it with a loud call of your name and a forceful shove on your shoulder. You startled awake, jumping into a seated position, eyes wildly glancing around. The dream had felt so real, and still, it refused to let go of its hold on you. You swallowed back the tears that were stinging in your eyes, desperately wanting to find something else to think about. The pictures of Lindir's mangled frame haunted your thoughs, and you shook your head, closing your eyes. It didn't help, if anything it made it worse. The image of his blood spewing onto the ground felt so real in your mind that you could almost smell it, and you gagged, forcing your eyes open.

When you did, you met the concerned and gentle eyes of Lindir, and relief washed over you. He was there, he was alright. It had just been a dream. Without thinking, you launched yourself at him, wrapping your arms around his neck. The damn broke, and the tears that you had been holding back were released, and you started sobbing into his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around your shoulders, pulling you close to his chest and he just let you cry, knowing that you would feel better after.

As you sobbed against his shoulder, he began humming slowly. It was the lullaby his mother had used to sing when he had been young and had trouble sleeping. The familiar words gave him strength as it pained his heart to listen to your sobs that seemed to echo in the silence of the room. He was sure that he missed a verse or two, but it wasn't important, he just wanted to soothe you. When the loudest sobs seemed to wave, he began to draw gentle patters onto your back and shoulders with his fingers, hoping to soothe you. Your breath hitched at the first touch, but you slowly felt relaxed at his touch. Your sobs turned to hiccups, your sniffles filling the air.

You lifted your head from his chest, your eyes red from the crying, your cheeks wet from all the tears. Lindir handed you a handkerchief, and you dried your eyes and blew your nose, slowly starting to feel better.
"Do you want to talk about it?" His tone was gentle as he whispered the words, and you shook your head violently, the images of the nightmare once again flashing in your head.
"N-No." Your voice was shaking, and Lindir pressed a kiss to your temple, and you felt him nod against you.
"Do you feel like you can sleep again?" You shook your head again, sure that if you tried sleeping now, the dream would return.
"Then we'll lay here until you do."
"You do not have to stay up with me, I know you have a busy day tomorrow." You muttered, your head buried into his neck.
"What kind of a husband would I be if I let you suffer alone after a nightmare that clearly caused you great distress? Elrond would have my head if he heard me even talking about such things." You let out a laugh at his words, and he smiled, knowing that you were slowly starting to feel better.

The two of you talked for a good while until sleep started tugging at your eyelids again, your voice growing tired. Lindir continued talking even though he noticed you were falling asleep, wanting you to know he was there even when your eyes were closed. Eventually, you fell asleep, leaning against his shoulder, your quiet breaths filling the room as he finally quieted down. Lindir gently tilted you back on your side of the bed, settling your head on the pillow. You stirred but didn't wake, and he pulled the covers back over the both of you, setting his hand to rest on yours.

Another request done! They are coming along quite nicely.

This was such a nice little sweet request to write, nothing too complicated, just sweet fluff and comfort.

I am going to my parents for a week, and I am not going to post while I'm there. Next post will be on 27th of this month, so you don't have to wait for long.

Sorry that this is a bit sudden, but I probably won't have time to write and I don't have enough oneshots ready to keep posting though my visit.
See ya soon!

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