Return - Elrond

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Warnings: none!
Word count: 962
Other: More of a mother!reader fic than a romantic one
Requested: nope

You seem deflated as you continue to live your life in Rivendell. Elrond cannot for the life of him figure out what to do to cheer you up. Luckily, the universe seems to send the fix your way, just as you need it.

You sighed deeply as you moved the food around your plate. Your appetite was nonexistent, but you could not figure out why. Your husband gave your free hand a squeeze, as he ate his dinner, throwing worried glances in your direction. You had been feeling down for a few days now, your smiles rarer and your demeanor somehow flattened even though you tried to hide it. Even the weather was gloomy, the sun hiding behind the clouds that seemed to hang low in the sky.

"Evening, naneth." A deep voice wished and you yanked yourself around, your face brightening instantly with the smile as it spread on your lips. It was like a wilted flower had been watered, you sprang into life immediately.
"My babies!" You squealed, elated, and gathered the hem of your gown into your hands as you darted towards them. The way to them couldn't have been more than eight steps, but to you, it felt like a lifetime. It had been so long since you had seen them, they had been far too young (in your opinion) when they left the safety of Rivendell. But now they were back and you couldn't quite contain your elation in seeing your little boys again.

They didn't make it one step further into the room before you collided with their chests, wrapping your arms around their shoulders, having to stand on your toes to reach. Both of your sons were taller than you, but they still embraced you, capturing you between their bodies. You peppered their cheeks with kisses, and they had no way to escape as your arms held them in such a tight hold.
"You two are so thin! Have you been eating anything? Elladan, what happened to your ear?" You pushed them at an arm's length from you so you could inspect them better, your eyes taking in every inch of them. The two were drowned under your wave of questions, and they gave in to be examined by you as you took in their state, frazzled by the years in the wild. With their dark hair and silvery eyes, they were almost a splitting image of their father when he was younger, save for the scars that they now carried on their skin.

The twins tried to shake you off and met their father's eyes behind your back, their eyes pleading for help. A small shake of his head was what they got, but the message was clear.
You stay still and let your mother love you.
So the twins accept their fate, allowing you to fuss over every scar on their faces.

"We are fine, naneth." Elrohir huffed as you bemoaned over one of his scars for the third time.
"The times in nature were rough but were survived and lived to tell the tales of them," Elladan assured you, lifting his arm to pat you on your shoulder, unsure what to do.
"Well, you certainly haven't told me any tales!" Your voice rose above normal speaking level, and you gave them both a small shove to their chests, catching them by suprise.
"It has been nearly two centuries since you left, and I have received three letters from each of you!"
"Naneth, we-" Elrohir tried to offer you an explanation, but you kept talking.
"I had to pick up news from your whereabouts from scouts and messengers visiting Rivendell. Whether the two of you were alive, if you were injured, what you were doing with your lives." Tears brimmed in your eyes as you stared down your sons, who could not meet your eyes.
"We just thought that you would worry less if we kept correspondence to a minimum." It was Elladan's try, but you were having none of it.
"I am your mother! I will always worry for you, for Eru's sake! Not letting me know that you were alive and well would have helped with that. Would I have still been worried? Of course! But at least I wouldn't have had to spend my nights laying awake in my bed, wondering if my sons were even alive anymore!" You were practically yelling when you finished, and you stormed off past your sons even when tried to block your path.

When they made a move to follow you, Elrond stepped in their way.
"Let her have a moment alone." His tone was level, but the twins could see in his eyes that he was disappointed in the way they had handled their correspondence with their mother.
"We just thought..."
"I know, I you thought she would worry less. But as she said, she is your mother, she has worried for the two of you every time you were not in her eyesight since you were born."
"How can we make this up to her?"
"You can't. Not immediately. You can start working on it and go change out of those filthy travel clothes. I am sure your mother has ordered the kitchen to make three times the food they normally do and you two are going to be there to eat as much of it as you can and then some." The twins nodded their agreement and excited the room, bickering whose idea it had been to write to you only thrice.

Just something that popped into my head a while back and I couldn't get it out until I wrote it up.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2023 ⏰

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