Attraction - Eomer

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Warnings: self-doubt and thoughts of unworthiness but nothing else
Word count: 1187
Other: masculine!reader
Requested: odetomyself

The attraction between you and Eomer is thick, but you keep your own feelings tightly in check and don't allow yourself to dream, deeming yourself unworthy of him because of your non-royal status.

You sighed as you ran your hand through your hair, watching as the soldiers paced around, making sure that everyone had everything they needed. The journey back from Helm's deep had been taxing to many, and there wasn't enough food or blankets for everyone. The noises inside made you turn towards the hall where the king and his advisors as well as your traveling companions had gathered. Your brain was itching for you to enter, but you didn't, as Gandalf had instructed you to wait outside.

You had had doubts for a long time about the reasons you had been chosen for the Fellowship. You weren't an elf with exceptional hearing like Legolas, nor did you have years of experience with weapons like Gimli did. You weren't there for political reasons like Boromir had been, and you were definitely not the promised king like Aragorn was. You were just... you. You did have weapons training, but not to the extent that the others had. You could hold your own in a fight,  but there were still limits to your skills.

You didn't remember much of the battle, just bits and pieces here and there. Fighting alongside Gimli. Retreating at Aragorn's side. Riding out of the fortress, your horse following tightly on Arod's heels, throwing his head as the orcs seemed to be a never-ending sea.

But now it was over, and the Rohanians had returned to their homes. Their lives were slowly returning to normal, and the warriors that had left with Eomer were slowly settling back into their homes. You had only met the Marshal of the Riddenmark once, but that was enough. He wouldn't leave your mind. You let out a sigh and stuffed your hands into your pockets, leaning against the fence of the horse's pasture, looking out towards the setting sun.

Your eyes were unfocused, having you staring into nothingness as you thought of the first time you had met him.

- -

The last of the straggling orcs had been killed, and you thrust your sword into the scabbard after wiping most of the black blood off the blade into your pants. You let your eyes wander around the battlefield. The elves had organized their ranks, now tending to their wounded and grieving their dead. King Theoden was in the process of giving orders to his men, who slowly started to drag the orch carcasses into a pile, ready to be burned. You watched as your companions exchanged a few words before setting off to help, Legolas throwing his bow on his back as Gimli set on helping to move the carcasses with the help of his ax.

As you were looking around, your eyes landed on a man. He had just taken off his helmet,  revealing long, blond hair and a strong jawline. You could see him still when his eyes landed on you for the first time, and you quickly turned your eyes away from him, hoping that he had not seen you staring at him. Unfortunately, that seemed not to be the case, as he stepped forward, extending his hand to you.
"Eomer, son of Éomund, marshall of the Riddenmark." His handshake was steady, and the hold of his hand was firm, the warmth of his palm encircling yours.
"Y/N, ranger of the North." You responded simply, not bothering with your parentage. It didn't matter that much anyway.

You shook his hand, meeting his eyes for the first time properly giving him a firm nod. You pulled your hand from him as the eye contact continued on, and you let your eyes drop to your booths for a moment before looking towards where Gimli and Legolas seemed to be bickering about something, probably trivial and unimportant. Eomer, however, kept his eyes on you even after you had turned your attention away from him. A spark of interest had been lit and it wouldn't be long until it would flame into a roar of attraction.

- -

You shook your head as you chased the memory away, and turned your head away from the brightness of the sun, sighing deeply. No matter how hard you thought about the chemistry between the two of you and dreamed of what it could blossom into, you knew it could never happen. You were a commoner and a traveler, not someone who was suitable for a man who was in line for the throne of Rohan. Eomer was a patient and a kind man, and he would have no problem finding a partner for himself from the noblemen and women that were plenty in the kingdom, already vying for his attention. You, on the other hand, were the only child of a blacksmith. Your family had had enough money for food and the basic necessities, but you were not noble or rich in any manner, and you knew Eomer could do a lot better than you.

The thought hurt, but you were set on that thought and did your best not to let any of the looks or smiles he sent into your direction shift you from it. It was not easy, but you knew it was for the best.

You were snapped out of your thoughts by a hand landing on your shoulder. You yanked yourself around, meeting the warm brown eyes of the man you had just been thinking about.
"Y/N." His voice, so dark and soulful, made a flush run up your spine, and you fought to keep your voice emotionless.
"L-Lord Eomer, shouldn't you be at the feast?" You stuttered out, cursing yourself for it.
"I could ask you the same question." You furrowed your brow as you turned towards him.
"Feasts of such are not my forte. I have not attended one before and would not have any idea how to behave or what to do." You supplied simply, linking your hands behind your back so he couldn't see you fiddling with your family ring.
"Well, it would be a pity if you missed it." There was a moment of silence where your eyes met, but the moment they did, you yanked your eyes away and turned them to the tips of your worn-off boots.
"I suppose." You weren't sure what else to answer.
"Shall we?" You looked at the hand he was offering to you, and made your decision in a split second,  not giving yourself time to regret it. You grabbed it, and the two of you headed to the feast together, the warm lights and loud music encasing you in a heartbeat.

I thought this request would give me more trouble when I was writing it, but it was actually very cooperative, and writing it was quite a smooth sailing. There were a few bumps in the way, but otherwise, it was easyish.

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