Fountain - Thranduil

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Warnings: none, I think?
Word count: 1285
Other: -
Requested: nope

You and Thranduil have always been so in love when Legolas has seen, so when the two of you confess you hated each other in the beginning, he is deeply confused.

You brushed your nose against Thranduil's, listening to the briefing your son was giving you of the day's patrols.
"Are you two even listening to what I am saying?" Legolas huffed, annoyed, crossing his arms over his chest.
"We are." You hummed, letting your eyes visit your sun before you pressed your forehead to rest against Thranduil's temple.
"I do not envy the people that had to put up with the two of you when you were younger," Legolas muttered, but you heard him nonetheless.
"It depends how young you are talking. In the beginning, things were quite different." You shared a look with Thranduil, letting out a laugh.
"How so?" Legolas' curiosity had peaked now, and the report he was meant to give was forgotten.
"We couldn't stand each other in the beginning," Thranduil admitted and gave you a look.
"You two?! Couldn't stand each other?" The idea sounded absurd to Legolas because the two of you had been (disgustingly) in love for his whole life. The idea of the two of you hating each other or disagreeing was ludicrous. Thranduil nodded, giving you a look.
"She pushed me into a fountain."
"I did no such a thing, you tripped into the fountain!" You disagreed strongly, crossing your arms over your chest.

- - - -


"You did what?" Thranduil cried in anguish at his father's words.
"King Echebert and I have been thinking of arranging a marriage between you and his daughter," Oropher repeated patiently, eyes set on his son.
"So you just thought to inform me now, as they are almost here? You didn't think to tell me that 'Oh, and one more thing, son. You are getting married in a week. Have a good life'?" Thranduil's eyes were locked with his father's, and his mother sighed and walked to her son.
"We are not so cruel as you marry you to someone you don't know. She will come to live here for half a year, and we will see how your relationship progresses. If the two of you are a suitable match, the wedding will be arranged. If not-" She was cut off by Thranduil huffing.
"When! When we are not a suitable match!" Thranduil yelled, furious, and stormed out of the room. Oropher sighed deeply, knowing his son would have issues with the arrangement but had not expected him to be this furious.

- -

Things were not going well between the two of you. In the beginning, you had missed your home terribly and been on edge. Thranduil, still furious with the whole arrangement, had not missed an opportunity to sneer and prod at you, and you had reached your limit. You had stormed out of the dining hall after having resisted the urge to throw the whole pitcher of wine into his face before leaving. Thranduil was left behind, getting a lecture from his furious mother that this was no way for a prince to behave and that he needed to be more considerate.

In the evening, you were sitting at the edge of a fountain, plucking off pieces of grass and dropping them into the still water, watching them drift away along the smooth surface of the dark water.
"Good evening." Thranduil's smooth voice pulled you out of your thoughts, and you let your eyes visit him for a moment before you returned to your eyes back to the water.
"Evening." You grumbled, hoping that he would get the message and realize that you wanted to be alone. He didn't seem to, and you held in a sigh as he stepped closer.
"Practicing archery. What does it seem I am doing?" You huffed, annoyed, and threw a fistful of grass into the water.
"It seems like you are abusing the grass and dirtying our fountains."
"So you aren't as blind you seem." You muttered, pulling a few more sprigs of grass free from the ground. Thranduil heard you but chose not to react. He was here to apologize, not to search for more reasons to fight about.

So he took a deep breath and forced the sharp bite off his voice as he stepped closer.
"Do you miss your home much? I know I w-" You cut him off, not wanting to hear whatever he had to say.
"What do you actually want, Thranduil? I know you do not care about my kingdom. I am nothing but a 'spoiled little princess who needs to learn the ways of the real world' as you so tactfully put it earlier today." You hissed, eyes blazing as you glued them into Thranduil's
"For Eru's sake, woman, I am trying to apologize!" He all but yells, turning his furious eyes at you. You jump up from the edge of the fountain, your hands squeezing into fists next to you.
"Then apologize! Apologize and don't just spout out truths!" You took a step closer to him, eyes blazing, and Thranduil took a step back, not expecting such a reaction from you. He did not account for the edge of the fountain, and the back of his leg hit it, causing him to stagger. You reached out an arm to keep him from falling, but you were too late, and he fell into the fountain with a big splash, some of the water splashing on your clothes.

When he climbed out of the fountain, dripping wet and brows set into a tight frown, you started to giggle. You truly tried fighting it, but it was turning out too great of a challenge. Soon, you were laughing with your whole being, and Thranduil, despite being insulted in the beginning, joined you shortly. When the laughter started, there seemed to be no end. It was good that it was so late, the two of you would have received a slew of looks if there was someone to witness this.

He wrung the water out of his clothes as you wiped your tears off your eyes, looking at him with what seemed to be the first real smile he had ever seen on your lips.
"I am sorry." You apologized, looking at his wet clothes.
"I am sorry too." He admitted, waving his hand dismissively in the air, sending droplets of water flying in the air. Some of them landed on your face, and you wiped them off with your sleeve, letting out another laugh.
"Truce?" You offered your hand to him, and he took it, shaking it gently, his skin cold from the water.
"Truce." He agreed.

- - - -

"But..." Legolas trailed off, "isn't that the fountain you got married next to?" You let out a laugh as your eyes met your husband's.
"It is."
"I do not understand the two of you."
"I suppose you are not meant to. It is our fountain, in our story." Thranduil hummed before pressing a kiss to your lips. Legolas rolled his eyes and turned to leave.
"I'll come and tell the rest of the report later, I know neither of you is capable of registering a word of it right now." There was no response, but Legolas didn't expect to get one, as the two of you were too engrossed in kissing each other, the surrounding world forgotten.

I had this idea one evening just before I was falling asleep, and I had to pull myself out of bed to write it down, knowing I would have no memory left in the morning. I'm happy that I did, it was fun to write!

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