Tend to - Gil-Galad

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Warnings: injuries, blood, pain
Word count: 1163
Other: -
Requested: by Ethereal_Knight

Your husband returns from a battle gravely injured, and you are tasked with tending to his numerous injuries.

You felt like your heart stopped in your chest when you laid your eyes on your husband after the battle. He was laying on a stretcher, unconscious, his chest barely rising, horrible wounds marring his body. You dropped the embroidery you had been doing and ran to him as they set the stretcher down. You ran your hand over his golden hair, brushing it off of his face, trying to disregard the blood that stuck to your hand when you did. His jaw had a large gash on it, the left side of it covered in blood, but you left it be, for now, having to tend the more serious wounds first.

You hastily removed his armor, tossing it into a messy pile. When you began peeling off his clothes you slowed your pace, your movements becoming gentler, more careful. You sucked in a deep breath when you peeled off the shreds of his undershirt, completely soaked in blood. You threw away the fabric as you revealed the wound. It was deep, with ragged edges, blood seeping out of it in a steady stream, dripping onto the floor. You set to work, washing the wound as well as you could with water and athelas. You packed it tight with bandages, turning them red instantly before you secured them with layers of bandages around his chest.

The next wound was easier, a long slash of a sword on his shoulder, not as deep but still bleeding profusely. You cleaned it as well and bandaged it, making him shift as you had to press with a little more force. You were thankful that he was unconscious as you continued to work, wound after wound. Time disappeared as you focused on the wounds of your husband, cleaning and bandaging them, only stopping to get more water. A few elves tried to get you to take a break and eat something, but you barely even heard them.

When you returned to the wound on his jaw, you saw his eyes flutter open. They darted around wildly before they settled onto you, and the rising panic was replaced with relief.
"Maltloth nín (my golden flower)." The words left his mouth in a relieved breath, a small smile appearing to his lips before his jaw clenched as the pain of his wounds rushed over him. You soothed him, running your hand over his hair. Picking up the mug that rested on the table next to him, you offered it to him.
"It'll help with the pain." You assured him, and he poured the contents into his mouth, grimacing at the taste and as his wounds shot pain through his body with his movement.

As he relaxed back against the pillows, you returned to cleaning the wound on his jaw, picking small pieces of metal out of it, no doubt left by the blade of the attacher. He winched when you pulled out one that had been stuck in particularly deep, but it turned into a smile as you pressed a kiss to his temple as an apology.
"This is the last wound I have to clean, I'll let you rest soon." You assured him as you plucked out another shard, and he tried to hide the grimace. He didn't respond, just gave you a pained smile as you continued your work.

It took you longer than you anticipated to finish cleaning the wound on his cheek. You spread a thick layer of the salve on top of it, furrowing your brow as he winced at the sting.
"I'm sorry but I have to do this." You apologized, running your thumb over his forehead to wipe away the sweat that had gathered there.
"It's okay, I understand." His tone was gentle but bordered with pain, and you gave him a sweet smile, wiping the last of the salve on before you closed the jar. You stood up to set it on the table, wincing as your back and legs throbbed in protest. You hadn't realized how long you had spent in that position, the sun had almost set, only the last of its rays visible above the horizon anymore. You yawned as realization dawned on you, stretching as you gathered the last of your things.

You were about to pull your jacket on your shoulders when he reached for your hand. You took it, smiling, drawing patterns on the back of it.
"Where are you going?" He asked, his eyelids drooping, but you could see him fighting the sleep that threatened to take him over.
"To sleep, I'll come to see you first thing in the morning." You went to stand, but he didn't let go of your wrist, and you were pulled to sit on the bed.
"Sleep here." His voice was low and exhausted.
"I shouldn't-" You started, but he interrupted, inching towards one side of the bed to make room for you.
"Just this once, you are exhausted and there is enough room on this cot for the both of us." You wathced him for a moment before you relented.
"Just for this night." You said, slowly climbing into the cot with him, mindful of his injuries. You settled next to him, your side pressed against his, the warmth of him seeping through your clothes. He took the hand he was still holding and it on his chest, just above his heart, sealing it against him with his hand.

- - -

The healing process was slow and tedious, but you were by his side every step of the way. It took a long while for his wounds to heal to the point where he could sit up, and even longer before he could stand. One of the wounds had been on his leg, and it had severed a tendon. Getting to stand again was a challenge as he had to figure out a way to stand without the support of that tendon, and find his balance again as well. Even if the wound healed perfectly, he walked with a limp for the rest of his life. Most of his wounds scarred over and slowly disappeared as time passed, but a few of them remained forever reminders of the battle he had fought and eventually, won. But your love for him never withered.

It took me a while to figure out what to write about on this request, but I figured it out when went to look at Gil-galad's Fandom wiki page.

I'm back! I had a great time at my parents, and I feel rested and so ready to jump back into writing. I have a few new ideas of my own brewing, and I am hoping to finish the rest of the requests soon, so I can open a new line at the beginning of the next month.

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