In my mind - Bilbo

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Warnings: none, this one is pure fluff!
Word count: 1146
Other: This has got to be some kind of record for me in finishing a request!
Requested: PadmeSkywalker2

After Bilbo returns home, you rarely leave his side. You are there in every moment, helping him with his food and laundry, and even when the grief for his fallen friends gets too much. You are there for him at every turn, and Bilbo realizes he wouldn't want it any other way.

It's been a week since Bilbo returned, and things are slowly returning to normal in Bag-End. During the first days, you had trouble when Bilbo left the house, even if it was just to pick carrots from the garden or go and fetch a piece of meat from the markets. You feared that he would disappear again, and would stand in the window watching him until he returned inside. But he was still here, and the two of you were happier than ever.

Bilbo watched as you plucked the weeds out of the garden, tapping the pocket where he knew the ring to be in. Well, the other ring, the one he had bought for you. He was just waiting for the perfect moment, his mind had been set the moment he woke up from next to you his first morning back that you were the one he wanted to marry.

His time came when the Shire hosted a vast celebration to commemorate the end of the harvest season. Some hobbits had bought fireworks from Gandalf the years before and deemed this the perfect celebration to use them in. You watched in awe as the colorful sparks filled the sky, the flashes of color lighting up the yards of your neighbors in all colors imaginable.

You heard Bilbo clear his throat next to you, and you turn to look at him, but he wasn't standing next to you. He was down on one knee, his hand extended to present you with a ring. A ring! Your hands flew to your mouth as he started talking.
"I knew I loved you before I left for my journey, but I didn't understand how much until we faced all kinds of dangers during our travels. You were always on my mind then, I feared that I might never speak to you again, never hold you again, never hear your laugh again. And then I returned and you were there, waiting for me, hoping beyond hope. And I knew. I knew you were the one for me, that you were the one I wanted to marry. So Y/N, would you do me the honor of becoming your husband? I promise that you will not want for anything when you are with me, and I will do everything in my power so that you are happy for the rest of your days." Tears were brimming in your eyes as he finished, and you nodded repeatedly, not quite trusting your voice yet.
"I w-will." You whispered, and a smile broke out on his face as he stood up and kissed you deeply. The fireworks lit up the sky again, but neither of you was listening or watching, too engrossed in the kiss, the joy consuming the both of you, wrapped in each other's arms. When you broke apart, you gave him a bright smile and presented him with your left hand.
"I will." You repeated, and he slid the ring onto your finger, kissing you again.

- - -

It has been a month since your engagement and there is not a single hobbit left that doesn't know about it. Rumours are flying wild as the two of you start slowly organising your wedding, picking the date and starting to mull over the quest list. The two of you refuse to stress over things, slowly getting the details together on your day, laughing and planting kisses on each other's lips as you do.

Bilbo wrote to the dwarves of Erebor immediately on the next morning after you had agreed to marry him, spelling page after page how wonderful you were and how happy he was. His quill left small ink stains on the paper as he was writing so fast, but he wasn't bothered, he just wanted his friends to know how happy he was and how things were slowly returning to normal after his return.

A little over a month later, the gifts started to tickle in. First, it was a set of a bracelet, earrings, and a necklace, made out of clear and yellow diamonds, and you gasped in delight when Bilbo presented them to you. You were shaking with excitement when he handed them to you, and you kept thanking him until he explained that they were a gift from his friends. At that, you insisted that the two of you write as a thank you immediately, and you did, the letter was rushed to the mail immediately after it was finished. Next, it was a set of cufflinks, made out of pure silver and gold, each stamped with the crest of Erebor. Bilbo stored them for safe-keeping as you bustled around, once again in rush to write and send a thank-you letter.

The gifts kept coming, one after another, each and every one made out of the finest of metals and gems. Bilbo began to wonder how many more there would be, as the number of remaining company members had been exceeded the last week, and still, the gifts kept on coming. Most of them had sent something, save for Bofur, which worried Bilbo. Had he insulted his best dwarven friend somehow?

That was not the case as the largest lähetys of gifts arrived at your front door. It was a large wooden box and judging by the way the hobbit who had carried it to your house was panting, quite heavy too. You peeked inside, a dusting of red appearing on your cheeks when you realized what it was. Bilbo frowned but turned out the same way after he peeked inside. The chest was filled to the brim with toys, for every age and gender imaginable, and on top of them was a letter with handwriting he could recognize as Bofur's. Of course, the dwarf would do this, what else would a toymaker send to a couple that was getting married, especially after listening to Bilbo groan how much he missed you for most of the journey, and that one offhanded comment from the hobbit when he said he couldn't wait to have children.

This request was the one that really struck out to me and I wrote over half of it yesterday after I chose it and I finished it today. It was so fun and simple, the prompt was specific enough but still left me the creative freedom to write whatever I wanted!

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