Sabaism - Haldir

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Warnings: nope
Word count: 701
Other: Sabaism = The worship of stars
Requested: no

Your love for stars is what draws Haldir towards you.

You sat in the highest levels of the kingdom of Lothlorien, all the sounds from the city drowned out by the distance. The air was completely still and quiet as you laid on your back, taking in the vast night sky looming above you. Every time you blinked you felt like you were transported into a different universe, the stars above you telling a different story each time you looked at them. Sometimes they told stories of great sorrow, the grief visible to your soul, but most of the time, they told a story of land you could never reach, the melancholy in your chest swelling. You were happy with your life here in Lothlorien, having decided to move a little over a decade ago, but it still felt like something was missing from your life. It was like a piece of you was missing, and no matter what you did or where you looked, it remained lost. The lost piece didn't make you sad or lacking in any way, you just felt incomplete inside.

You were so drowned in your thoughts that you did not hear the footsteps that approached, not until a figure blocked your view of the stars.
"Y/N, what are you doing here?" You tilted your head so you could see who it was, and a smile broke on your lips as you realized it to be Haldir.
"I am watching the stars." You answered simply, returning your eyes to the sky as he released an amused chuckle.
"I should have known." You were not from Lothlorien as you had been born in Mirkwood, and like your kin, the light of stars held a special meaning to you. Haldir couldn't tell how many times he had found you on that exact same ledge, laying on your back on a quilt, listening to the stories you said the sky told you.

You were oblivious of the fact, but Haldir was beyond charmed by you. Your love of stars had felt strange to him at first, but at the same time, it was the thing that made him realize how much he had grown to like you. The sparkle in your eyes as you told him the stories of all the constellations, how you barely remembered to take a breath in the middle. The supple smile on your lips as he asked you about a specific star, or told you one of the stories he had heard growing up. But most of all he remembered the smile on your face when he had introduced you to the ledge you were laying right now, the best spot for viewing stars in the kingdom. You had just stared in amazement at the seemingly endless blanket of stars above you and hadn't wasted a moment to lay on your back on the blanket he had set down for you.

Your voice brought him out of his thoughts, and he turned to look at you.
"Join me." You tapped the empty spot next to you, and after hesitating for a moment he did, laying on the ground. A shiver ran on his back as the coldness of the stone seeped through the blanket and into his skin, but he paid it no mind as his eyes were tightly on you. You watched the sky, eyes were wide with amazement, a small smile playing on your lips as you took in the wast night and the countless stars within. He had laid with you for many nights, but he still could not fully understand your fascination with the stars. But he didn't have to, as you loved them and that was enough for him as he loved you. Even if you didn't know it.

Okay, this is really short but I didn't feel the need to stretch it out, I think it's quite okay like this as well?

Sorry for my little posting break, my motivation ran out the window and has shown no signs of returning, even now. I'll be back as soon as I can, love ya!

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