Tree shenanigans - Bilbo

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Warnings: none, I think? Except for Merry and Pippin causing trouble but what else is new?
Word count: 1231
Other: "Christmas" oneshot (although Christmas is not mentioned, it is just a big meal with a decorated tree).
Requested: nope, but the idea by my wonderful roommate

You and Bilbo decide to take a quick trip to the markets to buy a few things that you have forgotten from the big meal you are about to have. You leave Frodo, Merry, and Pippin in Bag End decorating the tree thinking that what could go wrong. Indeed...

You throw your heavy winter jacket onto your shoulders, glancing over your shoulder at the three younger hobbits staring at the box with ornaments with glowing eyes.
"We can really use anything from here that we want?" Pippin asked, hesitantly picking up one of the wooden ornaments to inspect it with shimmering eyes. You hummed in agreement as you helped Bilbo with his scarf.
"And we can do whatever we want?" Merry asked, and you squinted your eyes in the direction of the three.
"You can do anything that is in the bounds of sanity, yes." You answered, looking from one young hobbit to another. You resisted the urge to lift your hands onto your waist to emphasize your point.
"We better get going, there will be a lot of people out tonight and I want to get home before it gets dark." Bilbo grasped your hand and pulled you to the door. But before you left the house you yelled over your shoulder, just to remind them.
"In the bounds of sanity, you remember?" Before the door slammed closed behind you.

You sighed and your breath escaped in a visible cloud, the air outside clear and crisp. Bilbo offered you his arm and you happily threaded your arm through it, allowing him to escort you towards the town. The air was starting to grow darker, the first lanterns having been lit in the marketplace, the warm glow of the fires reaching your eyes, even from distance.

You were getting closer to the market when you noticed Bilbo trying to rub his hands together to warm them up without you noticing, but you did.
"Where are your gloves?" You asked, quirking a brow at him. You did remember telling him just yesterday to stop going outside without gloves and then come complaining to you when his hands were so cold that his fingers would barely bend.
"I left them at home, I thought it was warm enough that I wouldn't need them." You sighed and handed him your left glove. He tried resisting but you pushed it to his chest and grasped his right hand in your left.
"Now none of our hands are cold." You chirped happily and set to walking towards the market where you could already hear the happy chatter of people.

The snow had settled onto the branches of the trees, covering them in soft white blankets as you walked through the more foresty part of town. Everything was quiet, the sun filtering through the trees made everything glitter. You sighed happily and squeezed Bilbo's hand tighter, allowing your speed to slow down to enjoy the moment for a moment longer. It was so rare that the two of you could spend time together, just the two of you. Frodo had moved in a little over a year ago, and with him had come his friends and a sleuth of new and interesting happenings, accidents, and disarray.

You dropped Bilbo's hand as you reached the markets, smiling at the small pout on his lips.
"How about you take the top of the list while I take the bottom?" You gently ripped the paper apart and handed him the other part while letting your eyes scan through the items on yours. Potatoes, a few turnips, and beetroots. Oil for cooking and a few spices that were running low.
"I'll see you here when you are finished?" You suggested, turning your head towards the large oak tree that would be easy to find. Bilbo gave the tree a glance before nodding, his gaze already sliding among the stalls and carts in the clearing.
"I bet I am finished faster than you." Your challenge was issued with a small smirk, and he returned it, pulling you closer by your waist and pressing a quick kiss to your cheek.
"We will just have to see, darling." With that, he disappeared into the crowd, leaving you alone.

You had no trouble finding the items on your list, only having to negotiate the price of the potatoes down a bit as it was ridiculous in your opinion. It had taken a bit of time, but you threaded through the snow with quick steps. You could already see the trunk of the oak through the crowd, and at first glance, it seemed like Bilbo wasn't there yet. Hope bloomed inside your chest but it popped as you saw Bilbo leaning against the trunk, a small smile on his lips as he watched your approach.
"How on Aule did you get here before me?" You huffed, dropping your baskets to snow, sending it flying everywhere.
"It is not important, what is that I won." He smirked at you, and you rolled your eyes, shaking your head.
"And what is it that the master winner wants after the trying challenge?" You teased, flicking snow from your glove onto his face.

Bilbo didn't respond, just pulled you to his chest and pressed his lips to yours. They were so pleasantly warm after the biting wind that you melted into the embrace, allowing him to pull you even closer. A breeze blew by and made a bit of snowfall from the tree, covering the two of you in small snowflakes. The moment was perfect and you didn't want it to end.

- -

The road back was spent mostly with you and Bilbo bickering about how he had cheated to get to the oak earlier. He had apparently reserved and paid for the meat that had been on his list the day before, without you knowing. You insisted that it had made his part of the list much faster to go through and therefore he had cheated and the victory should be yours by forfeit. You were laughing as you walked through the snowcovered garden of Bag-End, the slight shivers of the cold disappearing as you reached the warm glow that seeped out the windows.

You sighed deeply as you reached the front door and took one of the baskets from Bilbo.
"I wonder how the boys are doing with the tree?" You asked, a part of you nervous as to what you might find when you opened the door.
"Darling, they are decorating a tree. It cannot have gone that crazy."
Ohh, that's what he thought.

When you pushed the door to the apartment open, a small wave of relief filled you as there were no ornaments everywhere like you had feared, but when your eyes landed on the tree, you felt like your heart stopped.

Here we go! My last oneshot is out now before my Christmas break! I hope you enjoy it and have a great time these future few weeks, however you celebrate or spend them!
I'll see you on 1.1.2022!

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