Abandoned 2 - Eomer

617 24 2

Warnings: manhandling
Word count: 1273 
Other: -
Requested: not directly, but part 2 was asked and I did promise one

Your former fiance comes for a visit, but he does not get the reception he expects when he comes face to face with you. 

You pressed your hand atop your mouth as your re-read the letter, refusing to believe the words to be true. But they were. Your old fiance had risen to power in his province, and he was coming for a visit. It had stuck you out of nowhere, like lightning, and you felt nauseous as you thought you would have to face him again. You had managed to just put yourself together with Eomer's help, and you feared seeing him would tear all the old wounds open again.

The moment you had gotten the letter, you recognized the handwriting on top of it. You had stormed into your room without a second thought and closed the door behind you, sitting down on the bed, the letter still in your shaking hands. You tore it open and let your eyes dart over the words on the page. The letter was short, curt, and polite to the T, but you could sense the coldness hidden behind the words.

You could faintly hear Eomer knocking on the door, desperately calling your name, but you were too engrossed in the letter to acknowledge him in any way. When he couldn't get a response, he entered anyway, seeing you sitting hunched on your bed, the letter in your hands. His approach was slow and silent, and when he finally sat down next to you, he remained silent for a long time.

When he hesitantly placed his hand on your shoulder, you fell apart. You slumped against his chest, sobbing wildly, the letter getting scrunched up in your hand as your knuckles turned white with your tight hold on it.
"He's gotten married, he-he's in power. He's coming here!" The words were hard to make out in between your sobs, but when Eomer finally understood, a flash of anger shot through him. He gently pried the letter out of your hand so he could read it, just to make sure that you had understood right. The arrogance of the language made his blood boil. How dare he just announce his arrival and come marching into the kingdom as if nothing happened?

- - - -

The day was here. You were nauseous due to all the feelings coursing through you. Even though Eowyn had personally delivered a plate of pancakes with maple syrup and apples to your room (your favorite), you couldn't bring yourself to eat. Your stomach felt like it was tied in knots, an useless heavy lump inside you.

You were sitting on your bed, wringing your hands to keep them away from your gown. It was new, Eomer had insisted on having one made specifically for this occasion. Eowyn had spent hours on your hair, even if you insisted that you could do it yourself with the help of the maids. But she had persisted and had wrapped your hair up in such an intricate bun that you were already dreading undoing it. A knock sounded on your door and you sighed before standing up to open it. Your fiance was standing behind it, holding up a small bouquet of dandelions. You accepted them with a smile, stepping back inside your room to place them on a side table, promising yourself to take care of them when you returned to your room. You wouldn't be at the feast that long, you were just making an appearance out of necessity and duty. 

- - - -

You fanned yourself with your hand, catching your breath after the four fast-paced dances Eomer had insisted to spin you through. You were sure that the tone of your face was something akin to a tomato, but you couldn't care at the moment in the slightest. You were having the time of your life, dancing with Eomer and talking with the other ladies of Rohan. You giggled with them when handsome knights and spearmen wandered past, giving appreciative looks to your little group, but were quick to flash around your engagement ring to anyone who seemed a little too interested in you in your opinion. 

A hand suddenly wrapped around your arm and you were tugged away from your solitude harshly. You knew without looking who had their hands on you, the hold was hauntingly familiar to you. 
"What are you doing here?" Your former fiance hissed, small droplets of spit landing on your face. 
"I-" He didn't give you a chance to finish, pushing you backward so your back hit the wall.
"I don't know what game you are playing here, but I won't believe for a second that you are engaged to the heir of Rohan. It is all a trick, a ruse for you to get me back." His words made you seem red. You had spent too much time afraid, too much time thinking what he was thinking or would think. But now, standing in front of him, seeing the state he was in from simply seeing you, you had enough. 

"I am playing no trick. Not everything I do is about you. Actually, nothing I do is about you anymore as you threw me out of your kingdom and left me to fend for myself in the wild." He opened his mouth to speak but you didn't give him a chance to get a word in.
"Now, I suggest you remove your arm from me before I scream bloody murder and have you executed for attacking the future Queen of Rohan.
"You have no power to make those threats, I-" 
"She has all the power." A voice cut him off, and you felt the man in front of you freeze. 
"Prince Eomer, I-" 
"You take your hands away from her or I will make good on her threats and more." The hand left your arm like it had turned scalding. You gave him a dirty look, turning around on your heel as you approached your fiance, who was smiling at you brightly.
"How much of that did you witness?" You asked but in reality, you knew that he had been there for all of it. 
"Enough to know that you could handle yourself with him." You gave him a beaming smile and pressed a kiss to his cheek. 
"How about one more dancE?" You were pulled to the dance floor before you could finish your sentence.
"Why stop at one?" 

Wooo, it's been a while again, my darlings. The motivation that has been evading me has not deemed itself suitable to show up for quite a while. 
I have also been finishing my bachelor's work (it's done now!) and doing some summer studies that involve reading a buttload of classics, so the time in my day where I have the energy to do anything creative has been used up by those. 
I also added to my "family" with a PS5, so that has been taking up my time as well XD 

But now there has been a surge of writing inspiration and motivation out of nowhere, maybe it has something to do with the fact that my studies are starting again. I am not sure how long it will last or how much I will be able to get done. It might be that I release this oneshot and disappear for a month again, or I might release something again this week. Only time will tell. 

But as always, I am so very thankful to everyone that reads my fanfiction, whether I update regularly or not! 

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